
What do you think of this statement? Do you believe it is true?

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Demonizing or ridiculing those that doubt the extent and cause of climate change has a chilling effect on free speech that makes open, rational debate almost impossible.




  1. With any issue that is exceptionally polarized (pardon the pun) there is very little middle ground -- the abortion debate is a good example.  Climate Change is no exception.

    This is a unique forum that serves its audience well in providing specific venues to express opinions, solutions, ideas, questions, etc.  It's also like an old west town on the edge of the frontier -- there's no sheriff in town and anything goes.  Little-to-no fact checking on answers happens, loaded questions are posted, insults are freely exchanged, etc.

    Your question has a double edged sword element to it though.  Comments by an editorial writer or columnist could easily state the very opposite of what you have here; that those in denial of Climate Change are polemic on every aspect of the issue.

    I believe Climate Change is happening.  I also think part of your question is true, but with the caveat that those on the other side of the issue should come to accept some blame that the level of discourse is being hurt by these extremes.

  2. I would say the statement is true regardless of the subject  being debated - differences in political parties, the Iraq war, different religions, global warming, immigration, life on other planets - it is only when people see similarities between their individual beliefs that forward progress can take place.

  3. I believe every word of it ! The Gorebal Warming Lemmings always ask for the "other" facts that are contrary to their marching orders`, when they can`t quote any that support their claims` other than the ones` their superiors have told them to accept as the the gospel of Gorebal Warming and ask no questions` ! I believe that technique is know as "waterless gorebal warming boarding "

  4. You are right.  It is second only to ignorance of scientific facts in making rational debate impossible.

  5. We have been over this !

    Demonizing or ridiculing does not help. Nevertheless a RATIONAL DEBATE IS ONLY POSSIBLE WITH RATIONAL PEOPLE. And a debate not based on scientific facts is worthless.

    Free speech is necessary. Some "scientists" still doubt the link between AIDS and HIV. Should we grant them freedom of speech? off course! Should we listen to them considering the poor arguments they have been able to advance until now? NO!!!

  6. It is obvious that many of the people above have no concept of what free speech is all about.  Free speech is the right to voice your opinion without any fear of repercussions.  

    Being fired from your job for voicing your opinion is not free speech.  Issuing death threat, as Tim Ball says he has received, is not free speech.

    Many good scientists are being intimidated by accusations from political activists. One example of this comes from a public blog entry by Astrophysicist, Nir Shaviv, “Anyway, if  you "smell oil", perhaps it is because we were told too many times that if someone is against anthropogenic GHG he is 'one of them, one of the bad guys'. The climate community turned many of us into paranoids. You smell oil everywhere even where there is no drop of it. The difference between us, though, is that my research led me to change my preconceptions, so I am not gullible to the propaganda I hear (and I admit I used to be before stumbling into the field).”

    here is a good article by Richard Lindzen on how anti-global warming researchers are being intimidated.

  7. I've been saying that all along!

  8. Demonizing or ridiculing people is part of free speech.  If someone thinks you're an idiot, they have the right to tell you.  

    Global warming was thoroughly debated by the scientific community in the 1990s.  This was a very civilized debate, as both sides knew what they were talking about.  Now, the scientific debate has died down, and the economists, businessmen and politicians have taken over.  These people know nothing about science, which makes rational debate impossible.

  9. yes, but who really "Demonizing or ridiculing those that doubt the extent and cause of climate change". considering those scientists have put forward no data corroborating there theory's i think they deserve to draw some flack.

  10. Excellent point. There are a few thinkers left.  The global warming movement is really a political movement to shape society into their mold.  It is where the socialist movement ended up.  Proof!  All solutions point to more government funding.  The UN has caught on and is the greatest proponent.

    Oregon's state climatologist along with Florida' and Virginia's

    were fired because they didn't agree.   60% of  US Assoc. of Climatologists (they study climate) do not believe in man made global warming.

    Global Warmologists are really practicing a new religion. A very fanatical religion that wants to convert all or be punished. This religion wants to tell everyone how to live, what cars to drive, how to heat our homes, alter our economy and take our tax money for the government to spend.  God has become Mother Earth.  The High Priest is Al Gore. Heaven is the ideal world they sell.  h**l is what they want to put the non believers in.  Buying carbon offsets is their confessional.

    All the high priests fly around in private jets, drive in motor convoys, and have large houses.  They offset their own guilt by buying "carbon offsets".  Surprise!!   Al Gore has large ownership in the two largest "carbon offset companies"..

    The sun is the engine that drives all climate change whether humans exist or not.

  11. can`t say everything thats true, might get reported

  12. Someone said, "60% of US Assoc. of Climatologists (they study climate) do not believe in man made global warming."

    I want the proof.  Show it to me.  Then show me that those scientists are NOT funded by neo-conservatives, lobbyists, or oil companies.  Until then, that is not valid... but rather, it is something from straight out of your ***.

    A few organizations that acknowledge the reality of human-induced global warming:

    The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

    American Association for the Advancement of Science

    American Astronomical Society

    American Chemical Society

    American Physical Society

    Note that one of the main opponents of man-made global warming is the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  Hmm.  PETROLEUM geologists who are against man-made global warming-- I wonder why?  But I'm just some conspiracy theorist, right?

  13. this statement is not true. censorship threatens free speech. people can say they don't believe in climate change, but other have the right to disagree, and yes, ridicule and and even demonize. then the others can ridicule and demonize back. welcome to the first amendment.

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