
What do you think of this statement about the way our government runs?

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"If our government were scrupulously faithful to the Constitution, we would not need to be especially concerned when a person who represents a philosophy different from our own takes political office. Our Constitution delegates relatively few tasks to the federal government, so it should almost be a matter of indifference who is elected. We wouldn't have to worry that a social policy of which we disapproved would be imposed on our neighborhood at the whim of the new president and his court appointees, or that more of our money would be stolen to fund yet another government boondoggle. And we would also be spared the spectacle of countless American individuals and corporations frantically donating to candidates for political office during election years in order to reserve a place on the federal gravy train if their favorite should win."




  1. yep thats what the Constitution is for.. but hey its just an outdated document.. like the Declaration of Independence..

    write in RP.

  2. Yes, I think it would be great.  We have, however, been saddled with a President who just ignores the safeguards used by the framers of the Constitution.  He is more interested in interjecting his own ideas, which are ones that trample upon the rights of American citizens.  He gets more power-mad by the day!

  3. Common Sense!

    Paine and Jefferson et al, would hoist a beer to that one.

    Who said it, by the way?

  4. I think that is pretty close to the mark. As we have seen most clearly the past 7 .5 years, finding politicians who do look at the constitution as "just a God damned piece of paper" is difficult.

  5. Ohhhh *if only...

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