
What do you think of this statement/poem? its not poetic, you should just read the message from it.

by  |  earlier

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Hear me speaking for the weak and the others, the ones who stand on the sides, watching you, envying you, and afterwords getting scolded by you, why should the best look down on the worst, when all humanity should want is for the others to rise, but I guess its the same as saying, why should a human kill another, how does humanity tick, why is there that other, standing in the corner, unaccepted by others.




  1. I like this one too

    Your really good

    Answer my questions if you get a chance. Thanks

  2. And so it came to be

    this isolation that I am

    I can only look to me

    and find the way it all began

    this confusion, constant

    hunger for something more than this

    I strive to find this being

    that I envision, yet seem to miss

    Could it be that I am empty

    or maybe a little lost?

    Could it be that I am lonely

    or seek happiness at any cost?

    This never-ending something

    that I am living deep inside

    depicts the illusion of myself

    and all I have to hide.

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