
What do you think of this story 26yo illegal immigrant meet15 yo girl but meets father instead would you ?

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Would you react the same way ?Thinking he was meeting a 15-year-old girl Friday morning, a 26-year-old Batesville man was surprised to find the girl’s father waiting for him.

Santiago Garcia, of Davis Lane Trailer Park, reportedly went to a location on Highway 233 outside Sulphur Rock around 7:30 a.m. for a rendezvous with the girl and ended up in a fight with her father, according to Independence County Deputy Dustin Robbins.

Robbins said he was first dispatched to the area regarding two men fighting at an accident scene.

“After speaking with the subjects for a few minutes, I found that the Hispanic male was at that location to meet with the white male’s 15-year-old daughter, but dad had learned of the situation and met him instead,” Robbins said.

According to Robbins, Garcia, dressed in lounge pants and a tank top shirt, first gave him a name of Diego Luna, the name of a famous Mexican actor, and said he was 23 years old. He also reportedly said he had a driver’s license, but not with him.

Garcia’s driver’s license was reportedly found while he was looking for insurance papers on his car. Robbins said that is when he learned that Garcia had given him an alias. When asked about the phony name, Garcia reportedly said that was the name the girl knew him by.

After placing Garcia under arrest, Robbins said an inventory of Garcia’s car turned up a roll of duct tape, and he had a condom in his wallet.

“I asked Garcia what he intended to do when he met the girl and he advised that they were just going to talk,” Robbins said.

At the county jail, Garcia was cited for criminal impersonation. He reportedly revealed that he was in the U.S. illegally, and an immigration hold was placed on him for federal agents.

The father of the girl was not charged in the incident.




  1. Fight?  Not me, I'd set the dogs on him and let them get some exercise.  Those two Dobermans have gotten fat and lazy.  It would do them some good.

  2. Happens all the time. Dont you love hispanic culture?

    Sure white people do it too. Not part of the culture. Its a sexual aberration. They are prosecuted.

  3. This kind of stuff happens every day. You just happened to find this specific story because it was an illegal who was the culprit.  

  4. Send them all back and the crime rate will drop.

    Hey Bonita,   I am so sick of your American bashing, the question said nothing about an American person.  Men and women of all races break the law, but they are here legally, and they are prosecuted, the Hispanics, for the most part, are plea bargained down and spend little if any time in jail, then they are let go to prey on us again.  Open your eyes...or maybe you are illegal?

  5. Kudos to the father!  Prison for solicitation of a minor, Driver's license fraud, and any other fraud perpetuated by the illegal, and anything else, then deportation for the illegal!  

  6. Good for DAD!

    I would have shot the illegal SOB!

    Mexicans, you got to love them.

    To them this would not have been rape.

    They start breeding at 12 years old.

    He would not have made it to jail at my house!

  7. Why exactly do all of your questions have some stupid new atricle copied and pasted about some Mexican? Who knows what this guy was going to do, but have you any idea how many American men go to meet 15 year old girls that they met on the internet? Probably 500 times more often.

  8. I won't say what I do for my living but assure you it isn't bar talk  -  I'd leave him in two pieces, one big, one little. Definitely no cops involved.

  9. What's the problem? Wasn't he only here to "make a better life for his family"? He had some free time!

    I think Yak Rider was on the right path...

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