
What do you think of this story? Are police right to get involved or not?

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  1. no they should be left alone if there happy

  2. The Police must have reasons to fear for her safety. I do not beleive we have the full story here as no illegal act has been commited, no matter how strange/repulsive it all seems.

  3. Yes. She is to young to be making major decisions concerning her life like this. And if you ask me he is a pervert who probably doesn't care about her future.

  4. Yes of course.

  5. as a mother i would say most definatley YES

  6. I believe that if the girl has been ordered by her parents to not see this man then she will run off with him she obviously thinks she loves him. I ask what would a 46 year old mans intentions toward this girl be? I would think that yes the police should be involved if only to check the background of this man. If this girl was my daughter I would find her and not stop looking until i did.

  7. Its a waste of tax payers money, police time & resources

    after all she is 16 old. and im quite sure she will back with her tail between her legs once the novelty has worn off and she opens her eyes up to the situation she has now placed herself in

  8. Yes. Young girls can be easily influenced by an older man with money, a car, etc. If it was my daughter I'd want the police involved.

  9. If she is 16 years of age she can do what she wants.

  10. Yes the police are right in getting involved.

  11. He would be in jail if it was my Daughter

  12. some sort of friend he is then

  13. Personally I have difficulty understanding how parents let it get to this point.  I mean do parents not talk to their kids about sexual predetors, (which is what any mature adult courting a child is).  Unfortunately the law recognizes naive children with no life experience as adults, so there is little the police can do other than confirm she is alive.  It's up to the parents to bash this vermins face in and break his arms and legs.

  14. Every parents nightmare, but this is a missing person case. Unless there is something else not mentioned in the story, no crime has been committed.

    They can find her, but that's it, a 16 year old girl is allowed to have s*x with a 46 year old man if she wants.

    It's not nice, but it is legal. Take away the news coverage and the police would be better employed elsewhere.

  15. A 16 year old is too young to have life long experiences so as a mother I would say she is "tricked".  The 46 year old should know better not to fool with a kid. If it is "true love" then he could have waited another 2 years to see if she still wants to be with him.

  16. yes

  17. Shes 16. So shes old enough.

    End of.

    Why should my tax payers money be spent chasing up someone who has committed no legal offense?

  18. If the 46 year old man really cares about her, he would wait for at LEAST two years until she's mentally mature and responsible enough to be in such a relationship.

    Yep! the police should definately be following this one up ...just in case.

  19. Yes I think they are....If she was my daughter I woud be very worried....May not be anything illegal involved, but she is vulnerable and her welfare has to come first.

  20. I would say "Yes".

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