
What do you think of this unique/creative name?

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My niece will be 9 years old in 4 months, she was born January 1, 2000. So she was born at the beginning of the third millenium. My hippie sister and her husband decided to name their daughter "Millenia", because she was born in the new "millenium".

I've always thought it was kind of strange, but still's better than the other names on her namelist... Misty Rain or Rainey Dae..and I've always wondered what other people think of it.

(Her middle name is "Rain" but I already know that's weird.)




  1. Don't like it. It is a little over the top for my taste. Just so "diggity" to name a kid that on the first day of the new millenium. Sorry. Millie woulda been cute.

  2. at least we can pronounce it.  

  3. its beautiful

  4. They are definitely creative people, but it is a strange name.

  5. Well, your right, its certainly is creative and hippish. I'm not really a fan of it.  

  6. I like Millenia.  Nothing wrong with it.  I also like the name Infinity.

  7. It's not a terrible name. It could be alot worse. It's actually sort of pretty, and creative (:

    Millie's a cute nickname, too.

  8. i think it's a good name - not weird. but it's good cuz the child has options if she doesnt like the name, as in nicknames. like Milly/Millie or Lena or Nia. how does your niece like her name?

  9. Um...I would never name a child any of those names, but at least with Millenia there is the nickname Millie, which isn't so bad.  

  10. I bet she goes by a nickname anyway because the name is a mouthful.  Maybe Mel, Milly, Leni,?  I like the nicknames..    

  11. Not bad. My other nieces' name are Astronema Karone, Miratrix Aurora, Kendrix Ofelia, and Antonia Nova.

  12. how do you pronounce that? i think it is very hippie

  13. its interesting. i like it better than misty rain.

  14. Rain is beautiful for a middle name and My cousin's name is Misty Dawn and no one says anything about it. I really like Millenia.

  15. well it's certainly...unique.

  16. Usually "unique/creative" names send me cowering in terror, but Millennia is okay, as these things go. It's not unusual for children to be named after historical events; I bet loads of girl babies in the latter half of the 1940s were called Victoria.

    There are meant to be two Ns in millennium/millennia though.

  17. It's really pretty and I'm sure no one else in her class has that name, she should be proud to be different.

  18. Yep, totally weird. Millenia Rain? How can your sister say that with a straight face? What does your niece think of it? She must get picked on a lot, poor thing. Oh well, it's too late now.  

  19. Yeah it's better than Misty Rain but I still don't like it.

  20. I really like it, you never hear it and thats what makes it soo neat

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