
What do you think of this version of 2012?

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It's a little different from the other versions. (Gives you a little hope.)




  1. I can't really believe this version.  I mean time travel... to early for that.  But.... now that I think about it, I'll need to think some more lol, Thanks for the video.

    People have always predicted a "big event" in the future.

    Some said:

    alien race will join us

    human's will die off


    Many great people predicted different things... all lead to death of many and life for few.

    Maybe this version will be the same.

    Or did we all just mis-read what the Mayans said?

    End of the cycle.... starts over again since it passes the equator.

  2. i really can't believe this version. but who knows, anything and everything can be possible in the future. the time travel is really cool.

  3. I think people had better find their centers and achieve balance so they can help others through what ever happens.

    We need to clean up our act.

    On the other hand it may be a change like some of us go through every year when daylight savings changes over.  Maybe its time for a new calander.

  4. I believe something will happen.  From what I gather, from all the books I've read on the subject, It will be that our consciousness' will be raised to a new awareness.  The Christ consciousness, if you will.  We're entering the age of Aquarius which happens about every 26,000 years.  Just like the song by Earth Wind and Fire, there will be harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding.  No more forces of derision, golden living dreams and visions, mystic crystal revelations, and the minds true liberation.  The time when the lion will surely sit with the lamb.  What a glorious time it will be for us.  No more hate and war, can you imagine...Peace on Earth?  No, it won't all happen at once, but it has to start somewhere and not a minute too soon.  I have alot of hope for the future.  

  5. Hi Deenie, please note: Nothing is going to happen in the year 2012 that will create a catastrophic event that will end civilisation as we know it. Apart from, if it came to it, all out nuclear war. The only thing that any prophet from any time has predicted that may indeed be correct is that the the 4th world war will fought with sticks and stones.

    How many times will have to through this doomsday stuff? There have been three in less than 10 years!

    Y2K - this was going to wipe us all out because computers would shut down.

    06/06/06 - the return of Satan! This was our day reckoning.

    The alignment of the planets - this was only ever going to be just that. Once every few thousand years, this occurs.

  6. Kept my interest throughout the entire thing.  I've always been interested in 2012 and its significance, if any.  I know that the earth won't end, because the 'end times' talked about in Revelation and other books of the Bible were referring to the end of their world as they knew it... the early Christians' world.  

    The center of their world was undoubtedly Jerusalem, where their traditions and sacrifices took place to make them in right standing with God.  Their world was catastrophically destroyed in AD 70 during the Roman Jewish War, and this was the Apocalypse spoken of.  It was not such a bad thing, though, as the end of their old covenant world meant the beginning of the NEW covenant world, which has no end.  We have been living in this age ever since AD70.  This is not widely accepted now, but I believe it will be soon enough, as more and more people research it, and long for truth over tradition.

    So in light of that, I have never thought 2012 to be the end of planet earth.  Aside from the "end times" being past, the Bible also gives us hope that the earth will endure and remain forever.  (See links below for 3 Scriptures)

    I'm not exactly sure how McKenna (in the video) got the timeline that he did, or the method he used (I-Ching?)  Not sure about that.  But it does appear to have some merit, and I think it is quite possible that time as we know it may change, and we may be entering uncharted territory.  The ancients saw time as cyclic, yet we see time as linear.

    If you do a search on here for 2012, there is a plethora of resolved answers that are very interesting!  

  7. There is one correction that should be made. There is only one Pope left in the prophesy, the next one will be the last.

    If you'd studied Nostradamus you'd know that the sociological predictions were based on the the Muslim problem. If that problem could be remedied that would be a big part of the doomsday scenario. That much can be changed. The alignment of the planets and return of Nibiru is something else.

    The Catholic church has one of the largest observatories in the United States (Tucson, AZ) and they are taking their marching orders from NASA and what is NASA having them look for? life

    It almost makes me chortle when I hear someone question how much I know or have experienced.

    Keep going Deenie, there were at least 42 first ranked psychics and prophets that predicted the end of the world from different cultures in different time periods, speaking different languages, don't get hung up on a few.

  8. The idea that time/space will change in the year 2012 seems like a remote possibility, but there is something of interest about 2012. Some think the importance of 2012 is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. We should survive it unscathed. There are plenty of reasons to have hope for the future.

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