
What do you think of this video? What's next "death to america"?

by  |  earlier

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I can't believe we let people like this abuse our freedoms. Hitler is smiling.




  1. You misunderstand, Hitler wouldn't be smiling about this, he would have them all locked up in concentration camps.

    Freedom to protest and to assemble is a right granted in the bill of rights.

    You don't have to like their point of view, but as long as they are peaceful in their protests and don't infringe on anyone else's rights, they can say what they want.

    Of course it is our right to disassociate from them if we wish as well.

  2. unbelievable...unfortunately that happens when we mind other people's businesses. I say take care of us in America first, promote jobs, educate people, bring our industries back home...

  3. It was a horrible picture quality, however it seemed like a hate rally.

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