
What do you think of this video i found?

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it has a little rude language




  1. It is not prego.

    It is obviously bloated. Swimming problems lead to death.


  2. wha jerks why would they do that to a fish none of those fish were a healthy weight.

  3. awwww i feel bad for it....those guys are seriously retarded..

  4. Those guys are soooo cruel and evil and most of all, they're stupid. I can't believe that they'll make fun of a fish that is sick like that. They should be more concerned about helping it instead of making it a joke or a laughing laugh stock.

    That poor fish is sooo miserable right now, I wonder how would those guys feel if they were 900 pounds, unable to move around and people make fun of them. They would feel disgusted too.

    To all people that think this is funny, it's not, this poor fish needs help in fixing this problem, otherwise, all the toxins in the goldfish body when or if he explodes, will pollute the water and may possibly kill the rest of the fishes in the tank.

    I feel really bad, and it's sickening to see people make fun of this fish.

  5. OMG that's sooo cruel!! I left a comment at the vid they are so horrbile poor fish it is not even funny!!! i really do wish they were 900 lbs, couldn't move and had ppl making fun of them!!!

  6. he is obviously sick, its like a pearlscale with tumors or dropsy. they should put it out of its misery! stupid people!

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