
What do you think of this video of an NYC Police Officer attacking a bicyclist...

by Guest60487  |  earlier

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... during the 25 July 2008 Critical Mass Bike Ride?

A third-generation freethinker




  1. I feel the defintion of POLICE has changed in the past ten years.It's gone from a person in the community who offers support and guidance to overbearing egotistical control freaks!!!

    Whats with so many killing their wives etc..Do not tell me drew peterson didnt ?he is something else.

  2. well it's bad what the guy did, the even more scary thing is that these types of things are happening more often.

    the police are creating an image of violent and scary people too try and scare criminals straight and instead school kids etc. are too scared too go up to one and ask him for advice?

    the world is a messed up enough place as it is, and the police aren't helping.

  3. WOW! I cant belive he did that to that guy! I wonder what the h**l that pig was thinking. I think its bullshiit!

  4. Contrary to what J R stated, cops do bully and beat people for fun. And further J R states if he had safety equipment on  - he's OK. Do we need to wear cop beating safety equipment now?

    Hope you suffer a beating by a pig soon J R.

    ja 133 - how naive of you, cops are the most violent group around.

  5. Looks like he might have been on a shift all night and had a horrible day and didnt have any patience left.

    That officer was probably not a people person, just like everyone else there are some nice ones and not so nice one but he does need an attitude adjustment...

  6. SHAMEFUL, that cop needs to find a different job, Being a cop requires too much responsibility and good judgment for a person of his caliber.

  7. there obviously must have been a reason. theres no way he did that to have fun. cops dont do this stuff for fun.

  8. Cops don't knock cyclists over for fun.  I think the cyclist was seen doing something illegal by another officer.  They were obviously waiting there for him.  He didn't stop, so the officer stopped him.  If he was wearing the proper safety equipment, he wasn't hurt.

    Critical Mass is known for their near terroristic demonstrations, so violence or illegal actions from one of their cyclists wouldn't surprise me a bit.

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