
What do you think of this website...and what do you think of "racism"?

by  |  earlier

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I went on the website b/c something I was searching for led me there. It's an all Black site with a Chat room. I read the long list of chats (the theme had to do with jessica alba) and I saw several racist comments towards white people from the Black people who were members (there were also a few members who were white or hispanic, but there weren't any racist comments from them). Several people had written "what are white people doing on this site, anyway" "all white women are ugly" etc. I want to know people's reactions to this. i wish i had copied some of the actual quotes from people, to show exactly what type of things were written, but i didn't.

I don't want to target any specific race, but this is a topic that is rarely brought up. The word "racism" seems to always be thrown at European Americans, and the subject of African Americans being racist towards other races seems to never be discussed (because people think it's politically incorrect and are afraid to be labeled racist). I know there are many non-racist black americans out there, so that's not an issue here.

Another question is: Have you (as any race) experienced racism, personally, in your life...racism towards you (by any race)?




  1. welcome to the real world, and to think us black people have to hear this kind of c**p from you white people on a daily basis, not just on the web but in the real world as well... im sorry but you cant possibly expect me to feel ANY sypmathy for you, yes it is wrong, but it does exist and its not so great when its your race being targeted is it.

    god bless <33

  2. i think this website is informing, i have learned more about c & g here in the last month, then the last 5 yrs.

    i haven't experienced anything too bad....i had a run in 8th grade with some girls over racial stuff, but it fixed itself over time, we just left each other alone. i actually became friends with one of the girls in hs.  

  3. well yeah thats how life is today and sadly i have been called names from my own race African Americans/black people thats why i perfer not to deal with alot of ppl my own race cause they tend to be rude or just plain out mean to mean

  4. Unfortunately racism is a part of our society.

    When I hear something racist I try to correct it......when I come across something racist I ignore it and move on.

    Racism is ugly and stupid.

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