
What do you think of this weird YA occurence?...?

by  |  earlier

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There's this particular guy that asks for translations from Japanese to English. I've kept this guy in my contacts list because his questions are interesting. However, not many people answer his questions.

So, he's posted this obscure question in a deep dark corner of YA, but I answer it because I've got his questions automatically popping up as a contact.

I see he's asked a question a few hours ago and there's only one answer and it has one thumbs up.

I leave an answer.

A couple hours later I go back to check for more answers. No more answers. Just the two.

The only difference is now I have 9 thumbs up and the other guy has 21 thumbs down at 4 thumbs up.

Do you think this guy is logging on multiple times as different users to rate answers to his questions? That's what it looks like to me, but I could be wrong.





  1. I just looked at his questions via your profile. And actually, it does look a tad bit odd. Maybe he is logging on as multiple people, I've seen that happen alot on this site lately.

  2. There are some right nutters like that posting here, I have noticed the common theme, words used, phrases, etc.

    Hopefully they will eventually find a more productive and wholesome activity than engaging in this odd form of mental masturbation.

  3. Who knows for sure. Maybe. It doesn't make sense that so many would rate the question w/o answering it.

  4. that is a strange one! i have no idea whats up with that! email him!

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