
What do you think of this wonderful Shia'a Hadeeth?

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I wrote like two pages about this Hadith then I deleted then since you people will claim that I am Fitna!

So I thought is a good idea to post this great Shia'a Hadith and let non unity-idiots decide!

The book is Al Kashkool and it's a great Shia'a book! according to Shia'a scholars (I CAN POST THE EXACT WORDS IF YOU WANT BUT I DO NOT LIKE COPY-PASTE) this book contains the GREATEST Hadiths! the writer is one of the greatest Shia'a scholars

Enjoy reading this wonderful so-called Hadith you so-called unity-fans Muslims

What is between {} is my comments

"Abu Nuwwas {a famous g*y in Abbasi's days} saw a good looking boy so he said (So blessed be Allah, the best to create!) {Surah AL-MUMENOON, V14}

The boy replayed: (For the like of this let all strive, who wish to strive) {Surah AS-SAAFFAT 61}

Abu Nuwwas said:(We only wish to eat thereof and satisfy our hearts, and to know that thou hast indeed told us the truth; and that we ourselves may be witnesses to the miracle.) {Surah AL-MAEDA}

The boy replayed:(By no means shall ye attain righteousness unless ye give (freely) of that which ye love) {Surah AL-E-IMRAN 92}

Abu Nuwwas said:(So make a tryst between us and thee, which we shall not fail to keep - neither we nor thou - in a place where both shall have even chances.) {Surah TA-HA 58}

The boy replaid:(Your tryst is the Day of the Festival, and let the people be assembled when the sun is well up.) {TA-HA 59}

Abu Nuwwas waited till Jumua'a then he went to see the boy playing with the kids, then he said:(to fulfil the contracts which ye have made) {AL-BAQARA 177}

The boy took the lead and Abu Nuwwas behind him till they reached a secret place, Abu Nuwwas gave the boy a Dinar {a coin like $} covered with a paper, the boy thought it's a Dirham {a coin like cent)

The boy said:(No just estimate have they made of Allah) {AL-ANAAM 91} {YES THEY CALL ALLAH A COIN! A $}

Abu Nuwwas replayed:(A fawn-coloured heifer, pure and rich in tone, the admiration of beholders!) {AL-BAQARA 69}

So the boy knew that it's a Dinar {a $}

Abu Nuwwas could not said to the boy take off your pants so he told him:(Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides) {AL-E-IMRAN 191} {YES THEY USE QURAAN TO FOOK BOYS! WHAT A WONDERFULL ISLAM}!

The boy understood so he took of his underwear and said:(Embark therein! In the name of Allah be its course and its mooring. Lo! my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.) {HUD 41} {Enjoying ha unity-fans?}

Abu Nuwwas but his thing inside the boy but it hurt the boy so the boy said:(Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the noblest of its people its meanest thus do they behave.) {AL-NAML 43}

There was an old many listening and watching them so he liked to have so of the boy so he said:(then eat ye thereof and feed the distressed ones in want.) {AL-HAJJ 28}

The boy replayed:(On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear) {AL-BAQARA 286}

Do you still believe that Shia'a believe in somthing called Allah? something called Quraan?

Enjoy your unity

Here is a scanned copy of the book

The book name is Al Kashkool by the Kaffir Shia'a Lord Yusif Al Bahrani

I do not care if you think that I am a liar! just FOR THE SAKE OF ISLAM search for the book by yourself and read the Hadith by yourself!




  1. Lets say this hadith is a true shia hadith

    where does it say they agree with it?

    Can you find quote from any shia saying they agree with this or homosexuality?

    In shia Iran theyre pretty strong against homosexality you know

    how come?

    Im Sunni bt please try and use your brains

  2. Shall I give u some more about abu Nawwas? lol bro.

    wishing u a very happy Ramdaan.

  3. I thought you would be more original, you seem to have lost your touch. If your IQ was any higher i would have enjoyed answering your question, Mr division fan, you crack me up i swear, may Allah guide you. So why don't we know this book, oh by the way Salman Rushdi is sunni, shall we blame all Sunnis for his book? Hmmmm

    Ibn Taimiyah believed that the Muslims should not study logic (Mantaq)

    We read in Eghathat al-Lahfan by Ibn Qayim, Volume 2 page 260:

    وآخر من صنف في ذلك شيخ الاسلام ابن تيمية ألف في رده وإبطاله كتابين كبيرا وصغيرا

    “The last person that wrote against this, was Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taimiyah, he wrote two books a big one and smaller one refuting and rejecting it.”

    Sharh al-Aqida al-Safarinia, by Ibn Uthaimin, Volume 4 page 121:

    علم المنطق كتب فيه العلماء وحذروا منه ، وممن كتب في الرد على أهل المنطق شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله

    “The scholars wrote against logic (Mantaq) and warned us from it, from those who wrote against logic is Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taimiyah may Allah's mercy be upon him”

    Since your shiek is against logic, then their is no way we can have a logical debate with you can we?

    To stay away from logic means to shut your mind example (you) and that is against Quran. Allah says in His Glorious Book:

    Our Lord! and raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Thy communications and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and purify them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. (2:129)

    May Allah guide you brother, from the bottom of my heart i say this. May Allah grant you logic, even thought you might hate it, but in the long run, it will be better for you.

  4. lol, i have no idea about it, it is about homosexuality!!

    lol, this Abu Nuwwas seems to be a play boy!! i feel sorry for the little boy!!

  5. I swear that is sick and nasty!!!!!!!  :@ (angry emoti when pasted into messenger :P)  

  6. thats horrible!

    Astaghfirullah, i read what written in Arabic, the image in the link, they call it "لطائف" they involved the Qur'anic verses in jokes, Astaghfirullah!

    @the answerer below me, it is written on the cover:

      "يوسف البحراني" Yusif Al Bahrani, written in Arabic, who's wrong?

  7. Eh, there are loads of disgusting Sunni hadiths.

    Besides, a marja can decide whether a hadith is false based on its soundness. So I doubt you can say ALL Shias believe in that.

    Well,that hadith is still better than this Sunni fatwa!

    Would you let me suck on your mother or sisters breast? It says it is totally halal! Lol.

  8. Any Hadith which contradicts Quran is a false hadith regardless its recorded ORIGIN.

    Shia do not have any Sahih Hadith book.


    SINA- You admitted openly on Yahoo answer that you are HOMOSEXUAL.

  9. What ever that is, it's plain disturbing.

    EDIT: ROFL, someone thinks this is cool. CrAaAaAaaazy. And to the ex-Muslim girl. I am a Muslim and I love Isa(saw). Being a Muslim doesn't mean I don't accept Jesus, my Lord just told me that he didn't die for my salvation. Allah is my Lord and my decider, and my actions are what I will be judged based upon.

    EDIT2: Haha, ok you go be g*y.

  10. Sorry

    The book Kashkool Which you name it Its not Shia's book.

    The kashkool e muntazery is Shia's book And the author is






  11. Oh gosh!

    I wonder how the shia'as are gonna justify this? It's groooossss!

    This is worst than any muta'a. Quranic homosexuality? Nauzubillah.

    Are u absolutely sure that this comes from a book they call 'religious'? Not a folk tale, for instance?

    @Asker---OK, then, we r all Muslims anyway. So does it matter whatever we say? We can say or do absolutely anything. Do kufr, or believe in Quranic homosexuality, or even believe in the hypochondriac foreign puppet Mirza who died in a toilet. I mean, Allah is the judge, hey? And meanwhile, if these deviants fool some ignorant people and draw them into their beliefs, well, it's not our concern, is it? Hurray!

  12. Who is يوسف البحراني Yusuf al Bahraanee?

    One of the well known Shee'ee Raafidhee "scholars" and a well respected one amongst them:

    He also has said about the belief of Imaamiyyah that any one who does not believe in Imaamah is like those who disbelieve in Allaah and His Messenger and that it is from the Usool ad-Deen:

    وليت شعري أي فرق بين من كفر بالله سبحانه وتعالى ورسوله وبين من كفر بالأئمة عليهم السلام مع ثبوت كون الإمامة من أصول الدين

    (Hadaa'iq an-Naadhirah 18/153)

    If Imaamah was from Usool ad-Deen, then surly something as important as this from our 'Aqeedah would have been clearly mentioned in the Qur'aan (not the interpretations which the Shee'ah use of the Qur'aan)

    Here is the narration from al-Kashkool 3/83 in Arabic in case you cant see the picture in the link:

    في الأثر أن أبا نواس مر على باب مكتب فرأى صبيا حسنا فقال : تبارك الله أحسن الخالقين.

    فقال الصبي : لمثل هذا فليعمل العاملون.

    فقال أبونواس : نريد أن نأكل منها وتطمئن قلوبنا ونعلم أن قد صدقتنا ونكون عليها من الشاهدين.

    فقال الصبي الأمرد : لن تنالوا البر حتى تنفقوا مما تحبون.

    فقال أبو نواس : اجعل بيني وبينك موعدا لاا نخلفه نحن ولا انت مكانا سوى.

    فقال الصبي : موعدكم يوم الزينة وان يحشر الناس ضحى.

    فصبر أبو نواس الى يوم الجمعة فلما أتى وجد الصبي يلعب مع الغلمان .

    فقال أبو نواس : والموفون بعهدهم اذا عاهدوا.

    فمشى الصبي مع أبو نواس الى مخدع خفي

    فاستحى أبو نواس أن يقول للصبي نم

    فقال أبو نواس : ان الذين يذكرون الله قياما وقعودا وعلى جنوبهم .

    فقام الصبي وحل سراويله وقال : اركبوا فيها بسم الله مجريها ومرساها.

    فركب أبو نواس على الصبي . فأوجعه

    فقال الصبي : إن الملوك إذا دخلوا قرية أفسدوها وجعلوا أعزة أهلها أذلة.

    وكان قريبا منهم شيخ يسمع كلام الصبي وأبو نواس ويرى ما يفعلون. فقال يخاطب أبو نواس :

    فكلوا منها واطعموا البائس الفقير .

    فقال الصبي : لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها

    And as for the person who spoke about Ibn Taymiyyah and "logic" then perhaps instead of distorting the beliefs of Ibn Taymiyyah you should read what he was referring to concerning logic (in deriving Aqeedah) in his Majmoo al Fataawa.

    Please don't deceive people with your slicing of the texts.

  13. lol brother just see how shias try to practice taqqiya they deny the book !

    when you didn't let them dent the Quote with and Image for the book !

    for Homosexuality

    please read the link and see how many grand ayatollas made Pro-Transexuality fatawis

  14. Why would want to search any book? I went from being a Muslim to a believer in Jesus

  15. these guys curse the Prophet companions, so being g*y for them is like a walk in the park, nothing would surprise me concerning such people.


    you still here looser !

    if you did go to school you would understand what Ibn taimiyah meant by mantiq/logic.

    but i like it this way, show your true colors, get it all off your system... come on...

  16. blah blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH - BLAH BLAH !


    ther a perfectly reason explanation for anything in shisim becase SHISIM is true islam !!

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