
What do you think of those new Wendy's commercials?

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What do you think of those new Wendy's commercials?




  1. nothing extrordinary

  2. They're like Wendy's on drugs. While I quite enjoy watching a man run around in a Pippy Longstocking wig, I don't see why watching people kicking trees is gonna make me wanna go to Wendy's. I do, however, like the baconator one. Love the guys in wigs screaming like girls for bacon.

  3. Heehee the guys look so silly in the red braid wigs

  4. Dumbest thing, kind of like Burger King, they don't make me want to eat there.  Dumb Very Dumb.

  5. with the red wig wearing people?  creepy, but not as creepy as the burger king costume.

  6. Dave would not approve.  

    Dave was a wonderful man and I miss his humble ways - truly a one in a million.  Read his life story and see what a true humanitarian he was.

    He died much too young for he had much left to give to the world.

  7. idiotic, like all the rest of them!!!!! I would never eat at a wendy's so It dosent matter to me, I do not eat fast food's some commercials used to be kind of funny, now they are all STUPID!!!

  8. they say is tasty ...i dont think so

  9. There is something that's just not right with the wig thing... it's almost freaky!

    It makes me not want to eat there even more... Quiznos use to have a commercial with singing rats that creaped me out too, I never ate there cause of them!

    ***look*** ->

  10. a little freaky and doesn't make  me want to buy a burger in fact it makes me feel like there is going to be red hair in my burger ill!

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