
What do you think of tunisia ?

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i am a Tunisian and i am curious how the poeple arround the world think about it !




  1. I like Tunisia it's very nice country I hope one day i can visit ,I'm Moroccan living in Canada ,you know that most people here don't know where is Morocco,Tunisia and Algeria .What a shame !

  2. Hi iam irish 21 i love tunisa its a beautiful country with beautiful food the people are lovley and friendly also very attractive

  3. Hello, to be honest I like Tunisia !

    I spent in your country 8 days in August. We stayed at a hotel between Monastir and Sousse, I liked the beach very much. The staff was very friendly and kind.

    Monastir is a lovely town, I had a fit of blues there.:)I liked it very much! Sousse it's nice, too however a little bit messy.

    The guys in the shops are "nerve-racking" because they pull you in their shops..and..yeah..their second or third statement is something like that: " What are you going to do tonight?.Let's have a party together.."

    However I don't want to hurt anyone..

    I have a Tunisian friend, who is a  nice person and her family is very friendly, as well.

    I got to know new people during my stay and I'm really glad because of this.

    What else? :) Your culture is different than the one in my country, the way you feel is least for me..

    My problem was that I didn't like the meals but otherwise I had a nice holiday.

    I would like to spend some more time there, I wish it would be possible..

    By the way, I'm from Romania (but being of Hungarian nationality) and 21;)

  4. I'm 27 english i lived in tunisia for 4 yrs and i now hate it i have a son who is half tunisian at first in tunisia i believed that everybody was genuine and nice but as time went on and the more i saw of people the more i hated it they use tourists and tourists use them especially german men they also use each other it seems that everybody wants something and you wouldn't even get a true friend unless you had some use although that's not all tunisians just in the tourist areas I'm not racist  

  5. I am an American who has been living in Tunisia for almost 7 years. I am 28 years old.

    The people are so warm and hospitable. They instantly welcome you as one of their own and treat you like family. Tunisians are very warm people and in my experience would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it, or even if you just liked it! If you ever were to get invited to eat at the house of a Tunisia, you would be treated like royalty! Tradition here is that the guest gets served the biggest and best portions of all food. Even if a family was on the poor side, they would do their best to prepare the best food that they could for their guest.

    Tunisia is a very safe place. There are not many places in this world where a women can walk the streets alone in the middle of the night without fear. Yet I often take late night walks (around 11pm or so when I can't sleep) and have never had any problems and have never felt fearful. Tunisia on a whole is a very safe country. There is a joke here too the between a police officer and a police officer, you find a police officer. Believe me, it's safe. We also let our children run around the marina or the cafés and don't worry about someone kidnapping them because that just doesn't happen here. It is a terrific place to raise a family - amongst safety, security, love, kindness, etc.

    Family is very important here - there are no homeless, although there are poor people. Everyone helps everyone else -neighbors bring food to each other, the poor can always count on someone giving them food and clothes, children are not expected to leave home as soon as they turn 18, etc.

    Health care and education are also very big. The first president, Habib Bourguiba, made them top priorities when he was president. Every child MUST attend school or else their father gets in trouble with the law. You will not see cases of children being made to work to help support the family and letting their education fall to the wayside. Health care is also very affordable. 10TDN (it equals roughly 3GBP, 5EUR, or 7USD) is all it takes to go to the hospital. The national health care is also set up to absorb most of the cost for those who can't afford to pay it.

    Women's rights is another thing that was implemented as soon as Bourguiba became president. Tunisia was one of the first countries in the world to give women equality to men, and grant them the right to vote. It was one of the first Arab countries to allow women to seek a divorce from a man on her own accord, to work outside the home, and give them education on family planning.

    If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.

  6. 20 years old moroccan from usa

    i know tunisia is a small coutry,clean and cosy

    very leberal,pating every day

    they are fluent in french

    cute guys

    some are silly acting weird

    smart women

    famous bread called taboun,

    cheap people

    boys less smart then girls

  7. i really like tunisia!

    i'm from england and people just don't understand their culture and the way they behave. They can't adapt to it.

    I've visited the sites and tunisia is a beautiful country. the beach is great. the weather is lovely! hot but not too hot like egypt.

    i'm used to the people who are very eager to come into their shop. people call them "greedy" but its their living or else how else will they earn money?

    generally tunisians are nice people! very social as well unlike other countries

  8. people in tunisia are TO PUSHY the guy was forcing me and my mum to buy things and everyone wants to speak to you which is welcoming but after a while it can get annoying as you enter every shop.a guy wanted to speak to me and my mum and we said no so he said if you don't want to talk to me get out my shop and was about to have a fight with us.

  9. I think its a really great country! It's hot and there is a nice sahara wind!

    people are nice and i'm used to their behaviour. i know they're generally nice people and that this is their only way of life

    will go there again

    I'm from england and i'm 24!!

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