
What do you think of underground living?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I don't really know about that.... I mean what if it caved in, then what would you do??

  2. I have heard of underground living, its extremely unique!! but Jessica's is right, there are pro's and con's, I suppose if I were to live like that I'd have to pay big bucks to make sure that it's 100% damage proof!!!!

  3. If it is properly designed, the heating and cooling bills should be miniscule. Besides, where else could Santa's reindeer get a snack from the roof while he's delivering presents?

  4. Underground living is great.  My husband, Mom, and I have done a LOT of research on alternative ways to build houses.

    However with underground, or bermed homes you do NOT want to be in certain areas that have a lot of granite in the soil, or as part of the construction of the home.

    If you do have a lot of granite stone, you need to have a VERY GOOD air exchange system with the outside air, all year around.  

    Otherwise you are highly likely to have serrious problems with radon gas in you home.

    So before every building, or buying an underground, or bermed home, learn about, and know about the radon gas in you area.  If buying an underground home, insist it be tested for radon gas BEFORE purchase!


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

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