
What do you think of using full body (racing/performance) swimsuits for sun protection? Unisex??

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I swim at an outdoor pool. During summer I put sunblock on but its a pain to get all of my back, not to mention a lot to wash off afterwards.

I think a good solution would be to use a racing suit, like one that covers the torso and goes down close to the knees.


1. Does anyone do this? Can you recommend a suit?

2. I've seen racing suits (aquablade, fastkin) that look like what I want, but are overkill for this. I wouldn't want to spend the money on one (retail price) and then just use it for training. Ebay is an option, though. What do you think of using one of these, if they can be purchased cheap off ebay?

3. Gender. I've noticed some suits, like the old aquablade kneeskin/high neck/zip back would be ideal for this. As best I can tell, there isn't much difference between mens/womens in these; they look the same to me. Are there any issues w/ using one for the opposite gender assuming it fits?




  1. There are slight differences in the male vs female suit, but nothing that would make it not fit. You could use either suit.

    I think it is a good idea.  Maybe try to find one that is not an aquablade (if possible) b/c you don't need that if you're just swimming laps.

    You could also try underarmor, like a surfing shirt that are long sleeved.  They are almost like a wetsuit, but a much lighter weight.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Have you considered a full-body suit like this:

    or this:

    The price is more reasonable. I imagine they would add quite a bit of drag, but that isn't such a bad thing for training.

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