
What do you think of what happened in Lebanon yesterday and still happening?

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what should we do with ******* hizbullah?




  1. They gather in rallies 10,000 strong under the noonday sun,

    and nobody rains daisy cutter bombs down on them. I can't

    understand it.

  2. What happened in Lebanon?  Please fill me in.   Thank you.

  3. 100 thumbs up to Shuggoth.  The reason it isn't done is because the 'International Community" has tied Israel's hands in even defending itself.

    PookiePoo:  My point was to Shuggoth, that Israel would have taken care of that disgusting terrorist organization long ago if it wasn't for the world protecting terrorists.

  4. Sophie - Perhaps I missed an important development. Where does Israel fit with the recent events in Lebanon? I understood that the conflict was internal - between Sunni's and Shiites.


    Edit: Ohhh, I get it now. You were agreeing with Shuggoth that all is needed is to *rain* 15000 pound daisy bombs, that each contain nearly 13,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, aluminium powder and polystyrene and incinerates everything in a 600 yard radius onto a rally of 10,000 people (oops, sorry women and children who are within half a mile of said rally), in Lebanon(!) because Israel didn't do it earlier! Yeah! Lets just bomb the $hit out of another country, but this time at a rally, with one of the most hideously indiscriminate bombs in an indiscriminate way!

    It worked in Iraq, eh!!

    Sophie, I don't want to upset you, but the level of hatred in the world kinda gets me down. You know?? And by the way, I agree Hezbollah sucks, but bombing ANOTHER country (particularly the way it was suggested), really sucks too. Can you imagine what would have happened to Israel if they *had* done what you suggest they should have done?

  5. Those people are all nuts!  They all hate each other and have been killing each other for centuries, but the one thing they will unite over is the slaughter of Israelis and Americans.

    The only way to stop them is to either join them (which I prefer to opt out of) or kill them ... preferably BEFORE they kill any more of us.

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