
What do you think of when you hear iceland?

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I'm half Icelandic and live in Iceland,

I was just wondering what people think of Iceland,

because i hear that there are many people that know very little about it :]




  1. I think of the adage "Iceland is green, Greenland is ice" first and foremost.  I am sure there is much more to the country than a simple adage though :)

  2. Bjork…and the video for “Joga” just comes to mind.

  3. First I think of Bjork. Isn't she from there? Then I think of glaciers, and green rolling hills in the summertime and ponies. I don't know much about Iceland, but know it is a beautiful place.

  4. I remember this old traveling show  where they talked about the Christianization of Iceland. Apparently when they decided to convert, they threw all the pagan idols down a waterfall, which is a tourist place today.

    Oh, and Iceland is also the country with the highest HDI, so I bet life there isn't too shabby...

  5. i think of home :D

    i miss iceland :(

  6. Geothermal heating.

  7. I think that it's a misnomer.  I was told that Iceland is pretty green and Greenland is actually more icy and cold.

  8. I think it must be cold there.

    They speak a difficult langauge or Danish.

    People are friendly there.

    The girls look good there.

    I would not be very welcome.

  9. home :)

  10. i think of a tundra.  i heard the settlers of Iceland named it that to keep others away from settling there, but it's not icy like Greenland

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