
What do you think of when you hear the name...?

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In terms of personality, what do you think of?

In terms of appearance, what do you think of?

Do you like the name?





  1. It sounds like a strong name

    a warrior and a leader

  2. Alexander the Great.

    Most likely will go by Alex. I think tall, jock, outgoing, wild.

    It's an ok name.

  3. I think of someone strong.

    I like it.

  4. I have a cousin named Alexander and used it as a MN for my first, so I love it. However, it kind of taints my opinion, since I've associated the name with my cousin for so long. I can't say about the nickname Alex, since he's never used it.

    Personality wise, I think it's a strong person's name, perhaps even forceful. Kind of a clown at times, but uses their head when they need to. Unerringly loyal to his friends, rather cold toward anyone else. Hyper.

    Appearance, probably long dark hair, not tall nor short, light eyes, slight build, smiles a lot.

    Yes, I very much like the name, after a lifetime of positive association.

  5. Alex and Alexander the Great which makes me connect to strong. Good name! It isn't  that popular also.

  6. I would think of a kid who goes by Alex. He has Balck hair, pretty pail skin. Green eyes. Pretty popular. He is smart but a jock too. I like it

  7. Cool, popular, outgoing, smart

    Medium height (5'10), skinny

  8. A nice guy with dark hair and blue eyes. Funny, charming, sweet, tall, romantic..Ahhh...:)

  9. a nice rich kid, who has brunette hair. He studies alot, and has lots of friends. He has manners, and doesn't overreacet. He is calm. Blue eyes, and he goes to a good private school. I like the name :)

  10. its a great name and many important people have had it. it sounds strong  and i think its pretty cool.

  11. bermudaful said it best.

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