
What do you think of when you hear the word Paranormal?

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No wrong answers here. Just wondering what each of you feel the paranormal is.




  1. To me, there are so many different areas of the paranormal. First thing I do is ask, what area (dept.) of the paranormal do you mean or want to talk about?

  2. What is normal?

    I think of paranormal as being anything which we cannot explain yet.  As our understanding of causes and effects advances, things once thought paranormal are now normal.  Hence, to me, paranormal is a relative term as society's view of what is normal progresses over time.

    I find it strange that many scientists debunk what they consider is paranormal (so much for open minded investigation).  Yet much of quantum and theoretical physics proposes or demonstrates many effects which produce similar or much stranger effects than many debunked paranormal observations.  Try getting into the world of quantum coupling, strange particles, dark matter, antimatter, rogue bubble universes, phantom energy ... and you will start to get the impression that the paranormal might be quite normal and ordinary after all.

  3. Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. My friends on the Paranormal Section.

  5. anything that cannot be explained by science.

  6. I think of books I like to read,movies & TV to watch.The silly people who believe so much of it is real.

  7. beyond normal

  8. Ghost and  demons and Ouija boards, oh my!

  9. The best people to know about the paranormal are schizophrenics, as they have experienced hearing voices or hallucinations that other people can't see or hear, yet funny enough people who believe in paranormal hype haven't actually experienced any activity themselves and schizophrenics are overlooked in their research, I think what schizophrenics have experienced, i.e. phsychosis is the closest explanation science can acieve to establish a link with paranormal activity.

  10. Above the ordinary. Anything that occurs beyond our normal level of understanding and which cannot be explained by science is classified as paranormal.

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