
What do you think of when you here the name...?

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the name Tiarna (Te-ar-na)

origin- Tatiana from Russia




  1. Tatiana is a beautiful name, she's the main charactor in the best book ever, 'The Bronze Horseman'.

  2. the little girl i used 2 live next door 2!! pretty name tho

  3. its so cute . i think she will be the girl with the most beautiful name in her school for few years later . Good luck . and I really like it

  4. A black girl.

  5. I like Tatiana better. Tiarna sounds unattractive.

  6. It sounds a mix between Tyre and Tiara. But it's kind of cute. It took me a second look to get my tongue around it.

  7. I think when i hear my name , i feel this is identy of my face and pleasure me

  8. tiarna sounds teary

    tatiana sounds better

  9. Might be difficult to pronounce correctly unless instructed on how exactly to say it first. My personal opinion on the name is no don't care too much for it

  10. Your yahoo avatars eyebrows scare me.

  11. i like it ^^ its cute

  12. Ick!

  13. I think of Tiara.

  14. when i saw it i thought tiara but when i pronounced it correctly, i thought..... tiara. but i think its really cute!

  15. I think of the cutest little girl i have ever seen

    its the name of one of my friends twins and she is so beautiful

    her sisters name is Stephanie and she has a brother called jacob

  16. ......honestly, i think of p**p. not sure why. but i think its a cute name. its just whenever someone tells me to say what i think of when i see something, i automatically think of something stupid and random.

  17. Hope the baby doesnt scream like a torana!!!

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