
What do you think of white race becoming a minority?

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and all yall grankids will be mixed darkskin/muslim?

in U.S. by 2050 hispanics will be majority no longer whites

good bad?




  1. I have 5 mixed kids with a black woman and I don't really care.

  2. All people are racist, every color and every language

    Your question  and reasoning is flawed.  There is one Human Race.

    All humans are the same genetically except for minute details which make no difference in reproduction of the species.

    All of us can marry and have children.

    I am what you consider white, but yet my Arabic father was considered black for many years.

    Black, white, oriental, Indian, martian, all of you are racist and are doomed by your ignorance.

  3. If you look around these "United States" you'll see changes in the stirring of the "melting pot".

    In the beginning, caucasians came to this Continent seeking religious freedoms, others came after being forced out of Europe for criminal activity. Some caucasians even brought their indentured servants (slaves, also being caucasian) with them. By trickery and deception of the Native American, caucasians "took" lands by having Native Americans sign treaties they did not understand and caucasins would not honor.

    Native Americans began to rebel against these worthless pieces of paper and made effort to retake their lands. The caucasins then reverted to the tactics they used in Europe, the Crusades, they prayed and began to kill the Native American. The killing continued, forcing Native Americans onto reservations (concentration camps). They became the minority in "their" own country.

    Then it came time to make this country "great" but the work would be too hard for the "caucasian" (labeled whites and white eyes by Native Americans) to do. The criminal minded came up with the idea of "importing" cheap labor to do the job for them. Thus, the Ivory Coast and other parts of Africa and Caribbean Islands were raided and its people brought here (placing them in concentration camps) by force. The making of America was built of the sweat, blood and murder of those imported people. They made it great. Later during the importation some Chinese and other Asians came here in search of that fledgling  American Dream. The were tricked to, sent to build the railroads, making "America" greater. In those early days even the Irish did not fair that well having to fight the caucasian for the gains they made.

    The name "whites" was given to you who accept it and believe you are superior, by the Native American. I no longer call you white, you are caucasian. Take notice of the last four caracters that comprise the name of you "race" Research that.

    I refuse to hate you because you are caucasian. More than half of the women I've been with, in my 60 years of living, were caucasian. They were all very beautiful women and human beings. I have a biracial daughter who carries the blood of her Irish-American mother and myself, being African-American. Or whatever you want to call me, makes no difference. Again, I refuse to hate anyone due the color of their skin and race. It's what is in their hearts. And to any of you who espouse hatred for those reasons, are not listening to youe God.

    And yes, we are all becoming monorities. That should be evident.

    There is only on race and that is the human race. First and foremost one should make every effort to be just a human being.  

  4. We're already a minority where I live

  5. 1. My grankids will not be darkskinned muslims

    2. Hispanic will be the largest minority not a majority

    3. you are obviously racist.

    4. White folks made this a great country, guess the old USA will become another ghetto 3rd world toilet then

  6. ~~~Horrible~~~

  7. Don't be such a racist. Actually, if you'd look into it, you will find that the population is getting lighter.  

  8. False. In 2050, it's believed there will be no majority.  

  9. Well as a good Scots-Irish white boy...I'm not a big fan of that predicted eventuality...nor do I think it's good for the nation.

    A lot of PC folks like to play up the contributions of all races to this great country...but all you have to do is look at some cities who have lost a substantial portion of their white populations to see the future.

    And if you're happy with those results, well then the bleak future I predict won't bother you.

  10. Yay!

  11. Awesome! We'll get to be included in all of the minority programs like affirmative action.

  12. As a black person welcome to the club

  13. seeing as I am Blackfoot, I think it will be great.

  14. So what?  I don't know that there is any benefit to the country in having Whites as a majority.  Of course those predictions also assume there is no change in the immigration pattern, birth rates, etc.

  15. All us white people should just kill ourselves now -- and our children -- rather than live through that nightmare future.

  16. I see all races become one then there well be no racism.

    Only who's God is the best God and or the best way to prey to your God will stay a point of fear and hate.

  17. I don't think about it, it isn't a concern to me.  By the way, my adopted daughter is Asian and the most wonderful child you could imagine.  Then again, people that worry about race enough to post about mixed and dark-skinned grandkids probably can't imagine much.  Their fear probably gets in the way of most thought.

  18. I for one am a big proponent of inter-racial marriage....maybe we can breed ourselves out of this visceral need to classify people by how others see them, rather than who they are on the inside... for "whites" long as they get all the benefits, protection and assurances for success that have been afforded other minorites since the Civil Rights era....I'm cool...

  19. are you retarded?

    mixed darkskin/muslim? and you're talking about  Hispanics becoming the majority. Hispanics aren't muslim buddy. And as far as i'm concerned muslim women are not all of a sudden going to have kids with everyone this next generation.

    Hispanics will still be a minority in the country even if they do outnumber us, which won't happen till after 2050.


  21. What would happen if affirmative action still exist and hispanics don't want to give that up by then.  Does this mean we will have some kind of government entrenched social class that gets more breaks than anyone else.  

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