
What do you think of young models? Should they be banned?

by  |  earlier

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(Please write as much as possible that isn't waffle)




  1. No. I think if, at a young age, a model has the looks and skills to do well in the industry, then she should be able to. It's definitley a controversial subject just because models are exposed to the "model life" which doesn't act as a very good base for an impressionistic young girl growing up. I'm not sure how young you're talking, but I've seen very young models on the runway in risque outfits that kind of make me rethink the whole subject. But I also don't think that a model should be banned from something she may really excel in, because of age.

  2. They are bad role models for young kids. Thats's for sure.

  3. I think young models (under 16/17's) modelling adult clothes should be BANNED - it only encourages paedophillia and sets women up for failure by making them aspire to look like young girls (who naturally don't have the same curves because they are children!)

    However i don't think that young models modelling clothes for young people and children should be banned...just regulated more closely - health checks before every shoot and NO runway (catwalk) modelling.

  4. How do you draw the line?  Certainly, I think it is ridiculous to see young teenagers wearing adult clothes, but you can't ban it.  Otherwise how would you model children's clothes>  Teenager's clothes?Sorry if that's waffle.

  5. yes, I do.... no I dont....?good question!

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