
What do you think of your Governor?

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What do you think of your Governor?




  1. Here in Ohio the man is an idiot(Strickland).He ran on the platform that he was a former preacher and that in no way would there be any gambling in Ohio.Well now he wants Keno machines because his friends own the machines.Another thing is the typical liberal we don't give a **** attitude,someone with a laptop with thousands of names and ss numbers got it stolen out of their car.My identity included.He fired the person but after much handwringing.

  2. In Illinois, we have Rob Blagojevich, I don't like him because he doesn't get along with Chicago's Mayor.

  3. Can't stand him.  Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania.  He is like a sleazy used car salesman.  (sorry salesmen).

  4. Here in California we have Schwarzenegger, who I don't think is doing too terribly of a job.  He's done more than the last guy!

  5. I don't think highly of Governor Gibbons of Nevada. He claims to be a Mormon, yet spends time drinking in bars. He has recently filed for a divorce from his wife after years of an ongoing adulterous affair he has had. I think he is immoral, unethical and a real sleaze bag. Now there is controversy over the reduction of taxes on property he owns.

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