
What do you think of your mother-in-law?

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My mother-in-law is a snob. She has gotten better in the years, but still looks down on people. She's also VERY nosey.




  1. My mother in law are amazing, such a sweetheart! honestly she is better than my mother! I am so sorry about your mother in law, I hope things get better soon.

  2. she was a tough cookie to get along with.  Always tried to break me and her son apart.  She was very arrogant but had no money.

  3. Mine is a major pain in the *** at times.....She is like "Marie" from "Everybody Loves Raymond".  But I could not live w/o her involvement in our lives.  She would do anything for me.

  4. Mine started out pushy, demeaning, opinionated and always had the right answer for everything. She always felt it her duty to let us know what she thought was best and if we did not take her advice we were wrong. She is a Southern Belle that can put you down gracefully yet tactfully.

    I put up with it for eight years and then gave in one day and let her have eight years worth in 15 minutes. Set her back a bit, a year to be exact.

    I have been married now for 18 years ans she would not dare cross me or trample on my turf again. She knows me and where I stand and I know her and where she stands and we both now respect that of each other and accept each other for the people we are, not the people we expect each other to be.

    Accepting and forgiving is so important in a relationship with a mother-in-law.

    She is a good woman, has her ways but we all do don't we?

  5. Mine’s great. She’s open-minded, understanding on days like today that I turned down her dinner invitation because I’m tired and not because I don’t like her (my own mother would think that even though it's not true), intelligent, respectful of other people’s opinions, and doesn’t try to get in our business all the time.

  6. I have a wonderful mother in law. She fun to talk too and I really am grateful for her. My father in law is just a wonderful. I am blessed.

  7. Mine is a real snob. For somewhat a good reason. She was a girl from a poor background, not pretty and not educated girl that a good doctor, who was a millionaire fell in love with. After she met him she never had to work a day in her life again. So she looks down on everyone and treats them as losers. She also likes to tell everyone in the family what to do. That would not be such a big problem, but, the real issue is that her family, meaning her kids, do whatever she says, even when it does not make sense, because there is always the fear that she would take one of them out of the will.

    It is not part of answering your question, but, let me give an advice to the ladies on this forum: Don't marry a guy with a rich mother that gives you and him nothing but free advice. I rather be married to a guy with parents that work hard to make ends meet and treat their sons and daughters and their families like equal.    

  8. i'd prefer to see her picture on the back of a milk carton,i wouldnt be the one missing her

  9. mine is my own personal slave, lol, pisses the mrs off to no end, she doesn't cater to her own daughter, but the son-in-law gets maid service... wouldn't ask to change that

  10. My first MIL was a beast - glad to be rid of her and her daughter.  My current mother in law is great - we disagree on things but have a good relationship.  The only thing we don't see eye to eye on is motorcycles - I love them, she hates them!

  11. My ex mother in law was so sweet, like butter wouldn't melt, snow white sweet, that sickeningley sweet that i just knew she was talking about me behind my back. Her neice cameto see me when i had my daughter and the first thing she said was "Auntie **** said the house would be a tip, have you been tidying?!!" whats that all about? I just dumped him so got rid of them too! Phew!! Good luck with your Dragon-in-law!

  12. Same problem, she is also a know it all.  

  13. try to limit the contact with her grandchildren.  My grandmother was a racist.  As a teenager I HATED her because she always talked about blacks and mexicans and my parents didn't say anything.

    BUT She's not going to change!!  So base your decisions on that.

  14. I get along pretty well with my MIL... she calls the house and talks to me, she barely talks to her son.. lol.

    he hates that

  15. I'm starting to like her now... after five years!  

  16. My MIL is okay..... she is very selfish when it comes to her son, and now that we have a new baby she is a bit overbearing... i can get along with her, but i really have to hold my tongue about a lot of things.  I try my best to like her for my husbands sake.

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