
What do you think of zionist plans to destroy the Al-Omari Mosque in Um Tuba?

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It's 700 years old and they are saying they can destroy a priceless heritage building because "they" never got a building permit - 700 years ago? Shouldn't this be causing an international furor? Opinions anyone?




  1. Typical; they are a brutish people,if you can call them that. If they do they may expect retaliation. They have no building permit for the Wailing Wall.  

  2. Every effort should be made to prevent it's destruction and if it nevertheless occurs,i think retribution is in order. They can start with lovely Bar Homa.  

  3. Obviously every effort should be made to prevent it's destruction and we should be grateful to the Grand Mufti for bringing this matter to the attention of the international press. At this point however only international publicity and pressure can prevent it's destruction - that or as noted above the threat of retaliation.  

  4. Nice interpretation.  

    Exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood and nearly as blamable.

    The Israeli authorities are to destroy an elegal room that was added on without a license, that's all.  

  5. Every effort should be made by international groups to prevent this senseless act of wanton destruction.  

  6. It's a disgrace.

  7. There is a much bigger matter for you to be concerned with than a building. This issue was decided long before the foudation of the world.

    I would recommend reading the Bible asap, there you will find out what my answer is to your question. thank you.

  8. did solomon get a building permit for the temple?  Oh well then it can be torn down too...

    oh wait....

  9. I think that if there is one then it is about 60 years behind schedule.

  10. First, I am reluctant to trust anything said by Grand Mufti Mohammed Ahmed Hussein.  He appears to be a worthy successor to Hitler's friend, the n**i Grand Mufti in Jerusalem Mohammed Amin al-Hussayni.

    Second, I am saddened at the thought of any historical artifact being destroyed.  I recall how sad it was when Egypt flooded important ancient Egyptian artifacts in creating the Anwar dam.  I also recall with sadness how the Taliban blew up 2 giant Buddha statues from the 3rd Century in the name of religion.

    I haven't been able to find any unbiased sources that confirm the allegation that Israel plans to demolish the mosque.

  11. buncha wakos

  12. There are no plans to destroy the Mosque; why would Israel risk the wrath of the Muslim world?

    Whenever a group of lunatics plots the destruction of the Mosque, Israeli security has them arrested immediately.

    Read the Israeli papers!

  13. They are clearly attempting to test the limits of what the world will tolerate. I think effort effort should be made to block it's destruction and if it occurs,then payback should be considered.

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