
What do you think on this Speed Stacks Question?

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Well i get alot of free stuff from Speed Stacks. I got a StackMat free, a set of minis from my summer school teacher, parents suprising me with alot of Speed Stacks, and much more. I'm NOT spoiled. It's just because people in my town aren't as fast as me. The fastest other than me in my town is Rhys Hine. One of my friends. His best time is 16. something and mine is 8.45 in the cycle. Do any of you guys go through the same stuff i'm going through? (Which i'm pretty sure of a big NOT)




  1. HAHAHA!!! I beat your time! My best time is 7.11 in the cycle. =]. No one in my school can beat me. I have everything you have for Speed Stacks too. I LOVE Speed Stacks. Where I live, they never get old.

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