
What do you think our Sun is called on worlds millions of light years away?

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What do you think our Sun is called on worlds millions of light years away?




  1. Well, let's assume that there's an observer on a world millions of light years away and that they've developed the technology to not only view our star, but catalog it amongst the multitude of other stars they can observe.  Now, let's take that a step further and presume that they've received a few electromagnetic transmissions of ours.  They probably wouldn't be getting our earliest, too weak.  The first waves that they'd receive would be our AM/FM TV waves of about 50 years ago.  So they'd think we were all like those early transmissions that were broadcast regularly and frequently.  I vote for the Howdy Doody sun/planet system.  Either that or they'd perceive "The Honeymooners" as our primitive take on astronomy.  So, we from the planet Kramden?

  2. a star?

  3. Chlamydia 14

  4. over about 10 parsecs our Sun isn't visible to the naked eye at all and most like has NO name..

    Millions of light years away , the Milky Way is probably called something, though.

  5. Oogalact

  6. Well, for the sake of argument, lets say that millions of light years away, something/someone could actually see our sun (which is highly improbable, for it is small and yellow), and would be interested enough to "call" it anything, then perhaps they would call it a star, which is what it is, from wherever!  

    It is much more likely that something/someone would be actually "seeing" our galaxy, and it is likely that they aren't calling it the Milky Way but perhaps they're calling it something else.  If they are seeing it, then it looks like M31, or the Andromeda Galaxy.  That is to say if there is something/someone else out there, which I feel is also highly improbable.  I feel that if there is "life" "out there", it's not intelligent "life" but maybe just microbes, or something like that.      

  7. It wouldn't be called anything, because even at the distance of the Andromeda Galaxy with the telescopes in operation today or the near future the Sun will be a anonymous 24th or 25th magnitude speck at best. Beyond the Local Group, it's probably going to be undetectable with telescopes comparable to ours. Anyway you look at it, it's unlikely "they" whoever they are, won't consider our Sun to be anything other than very faint star in that "faint fuzzy" over there.

  8. light is emitted in waves or short bursts of energy, that's why distant stars flicker.

    the sun is too close to us to do that

  9. I know how the extraterrestrials call our earth.... but the sun not sure. So let´s guess.

    Let´s say M32X24

    Or then just ask Alf over there....

  10. Steve

  11. that speck over there....

  12. its called (/l\)

  13. !@#rfnjkgydsygn632f7bngwmk fkldsophgdsgdhgsdghsjkdghsdhgdshgjkhdskj...





    agsd fgfdagklsdhagjkfsdghksdaghksljdafgfg

  14. from that distance, we would be just a part of the galaxy.   we wouldnt be visible

  15. How could anyone even begin to guess? Speculation is pointless.

  16. Helios.

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