
What do you think our government should do in this case?

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Agent Held at Gunpoint by Mexican Military

8-3-08 A Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint by the Mexican military last night south of Ajo. Mexican military personnel crossed over the border and pointed rifles at him. Backup units arrived from the Ajo Border Patrol station, and the Mexican military personnel eventually returned to Mexico. Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years. They are never held accountable, and the United States government will undoubtedly brush this off as another case of "Oh well, they didn't know they were in the United States."




  1. Fire on the mexicans.. Light em up.  They need a spanking.  They need to be reminded who the big dog in the fight is.

  2. Any other country's military in our country pointing weapons at our citizens is an act of war.  The US military should be called in to ensure those invading forces never see their side of the border again.  If those military personnel don't know they have crossed the border, they need to take courses in simple map reading and navigation.

  3. Since no one was harmed, have the State Dept. issue a formal letter of complaint.  I would also include with the letter a map of the US-Mexican border and where the incident occurred.

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