
What do you think preg or not

by  |  earlier

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i have been ttc for 2 months im 6 dpo i have a milky discharge sorry upset stomach 2 days ago i experienced sharp pain in my pelvic area for a sec then cramping for about 30 min my cervix is slightly tented blue it wasnt a couple of days ago i check it every day i dont want to get my hopes up but what do you think




  1. Just wait till your miss your period. You can test now if you want but you may get a false negative.

    good luck.  

  2. wait until your period is due if you don't see anything take a test good luck!!

  3. 6 DPO is too early to figure pregnancy.. u need to wait till ur next period is due.. some home based preg. test (like first response) claim to figure pregnancy 4 days before ur next period is due.. still u need to wait for some more days..

    Incidentally, a friend of mind did experience symptoms in the first week of her pregnancy.. she could not continue with her routine work-out, didn’t have the stamina to carry on..

    Hope it helped..


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