
What do you think psychiatric medications are the cause for violent children? What do you think will happen to

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these four million children when they grow up? Worse yet, will this mean for those who are not psychiatric cases, don't take medication and are non-violent?

"In the U.S. alone, approximately 4 million children are currently on the psychiatric drug Ritalin, a drug which the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) places in the same category (a schedule ll drug) as opium, morphine and cocaine."




  1. street drugs and psychiatric drugs have the same chemical reactions. psych drugs are legal because they are approved by our good doctors.

    some of the neurons in the brain function is to control involuntary muscle movements such as heart beat and breathing, these neurons are not supposed to be altered or controlled by drugs. just like a rubber band you can stretch it so far then it will snap.

    addiction built up the drug in the body, at a certain level the person will snap. the hypnotic, suicidal and aggressiveness of the drug side effects cause violent. such violent as school shooting which was caused by the legal drugs.the school shootings are different from murder cases, people who are not taking drugs can be violent too, they tend to commit murder. when a person commit murder, he killed anoother person, but try to escape, the school shooter is hypnotized by the drugs, he take out as many lives and then suicide.

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