
What do you think...??

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Hello people!!

If the earth got swallowed up by a blackhole,where would we end up?? Would we be transported into another dimension,or to a parallel universe,not even knowing that we were somewhere else??

I was just wondering,what do ye think is on the other side of a black hole?? Or what's inside it?? And why do you think this??




  1. You thinking too much...its NOT gonna happen!

  2. All I know is we'd be compacted down to the size of a pin head...we'd be very very think I'll pass on the

  3. nerd

  4. actually the vacuum suction of a black hole would keep us traveling for hundreds of years... longer than any of us will be alive... so by the time we reach the other side (if there is another side) the earth will be going thru another ice age or completely flooded... SORRY

  5. For starters the people that answered before me just don't have a clue or imagination.  I think it will totally be a parallel universe.  Can't fathom what it would be like or where we thought we were!! Just for fun you should look up the Egyptian Golden Rule!! It is a mathematical equation that they used in architecture, technology and art.  They built 3 pyramids in the same general area using this equation and it is said that where they point to is the center of the universe!!

  6. i think we would go...TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH!!!!!!!!

  7. What happens when you fall into a black hole is that gravitational forces will rip you (or anything) apart. This goes down to atoms and smaller. To illustrate let us assume that you are falling into a black hole standing up. There will be a difference in the graviational pull on your feet than on your head. Since your feet are closer to the source of gravity the force on them will be stronger. Now it may be that you will actually notice very little if anything at all even up to where you pass through the event horizon (if the black hole is super massive). But eventually those differences in force, which are actually throughout your whole body will rip you apart and keep ripping until even your atoms have been broken down. In other words you don't survive a fall into a black hole.

    As far as this CERN stuff, they are trying to find out what conditions apply at temperatures and densities that approach those shortly after the Big Bang. Some people think that it is possible a mini black hole can be created. I use the word possible but they also put the probability at ver low it will actually happen. Current theory, to the best of my knowledge, is really a guess as to what happens to these tiny tiny black holes. Black holes "evaporate" in that they are not really black. According to theory radiation excapes from them and the smaller the black hole the faster this happens (although none of this has ever been observed). But when you get down to black holes of the size that might be created at CERN, quantum effects, which are little understood at this level, may do something to r****d this evaporation and the result being a longer lifetime. To be a little more precise, no one actually knows whether these things can be created and, once created, how long they will be around. Even if they evaporate there is also the question of how fast the black hole can accumulate mass. If it can suck up mass fast enough, faster than it is losing it through radiation, then the black hole will grow.

  8. A black hole is not a hole, it is extremely dense matter, it has very high gravitational pull which prevents even light from escaping thus the name BH. There is no "other side" of a black hole.

  9. Well you'd freeze or suffocate to death because there would be no sun or atmosphere to heat the Earth, and then if you somehow miraculously survived that, your body and atoms would be ripped apart due to the tidal forces of the black hole, shredding you to elementary particles, and then you would be irradiated by cosmic radiation from space and the black hole.

    Sounds lke a fun trip, eh?

    And people have no clue what they are talking about with CERN. The black hole it would create would be microscopic and would be destroyed almost instantaneously after it's created due to its size. One that size would do no more damage to anyone or anything than chucking a small rock.
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