
What do you think "my heart forgets when my mind remembers" mean?

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it was in a dream i had and i cant figure out what it means and its driving me insane and it also could have been "my heart remembers what my mind forgets"




  1. really depends on the details of the dream honey. I have been called phsycic, i just call them preminitions. it may mean that when you're not thinking, your heart is taking over, which means emotional? i'm not really sure because you didnt provide much detail...

  2. I like the former statement

  3. You remember the good times and forget the bad times or parts of someone.

  4. i think your crazy!!!!!! lol

    i love you!!!!!

  5. I think it means that maybe if you wanted to go back to someone in your life but you know its wrong in your mind, your heart will let you go back to that feeling.

  6. I think the first saying  has to do with realationships.  You may remember your last boyfriend but if you don't think about him all the time, your heart is over him.  The second saying may have to do with death .  When people are really sad when a love one dies, that is all they think about.  When they get over that person's death, they may not think about that person.  But the memory is still in your heart and will always be even if you no longer think about that person.

  7. I think "my heart remembers what my mind forgets" is more accurate.

    For example, people who were abused a young age can block out those memories, even create new ones.

    However, in certain cases, they do not allow anyone to be close to them. They don't trust anyone, and would rather be lonely than vulnerable.

    Also - fears that you have can be triggered by events you don't remember. My sister has always had a fear of water on the road. She had no idea why until recently, when she learned that we used to go camping and my dad would tell her when we drove through the creek that the car was going to be carried away forever with us in it.

  8. Mk. I'm Not A Psychologist Or Anything But I Think "my heart forgets when my mind remembers" means When You Look Back At A Past Relationship Or Friendship You See The Faults You Didn't See Then And Your Heart Lets Go.

    Whereas My Mind Forgets When My Heart Remembers Means Your Heart Still Has Feelings While Your Head Knows Its Wrong.

    Rachh x

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