
What do you think schools will be like in 30 years time?

by Guest60177  |  earlier

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Do other people think that there will still be teachers in 30 years time?

What do other people think about this?

I was considering becoming a teacher, but am not sure if it'll be worth it now if this becomes reality!




  1. whenever people say "this will happen in 30 years", it usually happens in 100+. (Think "1984"). So, I don't think that will happen very soon. I do, however, think by then kids in every grade will have personal laptops for each class. (It saves money: no textbooks, paper, pencils, or pens). Also, I think the teachers won't write on the board, but type and send the writing to the board. If fact, this is already possible in my school. These things are more likely to happen in 30 years than what was written in that article.

  2. that is a load of c**p! Don't make that stop you from becoming a teacher! Sheesh, did you consider how the chip will go in a kid's brain? I doubt every kid will have surgery at birth, that's very risky and if it does they won't be human anymore.

  3. I truly hope there are still teachers in 30 years.There is too much risk involved in down loading info directly to the brain.Who chooses what's down loaded?I think this is a very bad scenario,too much room for brain washing and mind control.

  4. Eh, sounds pretty far fetched to me.  I can't imagine the public allowing the government to download info into their brains (if it IS ever even possible).  That would leave us no choice in what is 'implanted' into our brains.  Nope, don't see it happening.

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