
What do you think should be done about somalia?

by Guest61085  |  earlier

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setting politics aside (because whether you're conservative or liberal i think we can all agree that the children of somalia are the ones paying the price there, and it shouldn't be that way), what do you think needs to be done to establish a government there and end the war. I've heard the term "hopeless" being used when it comes to that situation, but i find it hard to think that all countries in six different continents in this world cannot come up with a way to help one country. what do you think?




  1. Absolutely nothing.  It is about time we "imperialist" "crusader" "neo-colonialist" powers do what we are told is the right thing and leave the place alone, and let them figure it out.  Let's not impose our ideas on Somalia.

  2. Send Obama to lead the people w/ Rev Wright to be Secretary of Defense

  3. Somalia and other African nations are in a mess of their own making.  Time to just militarily close off all access to these places and wait till they decide to behave in a civilized manner.

  4. No other way but education!!

  5. About the only thing that can be done for Somalia would be for a Western country to invade them then run the place as a territory.  They would have to ruthlessly destroy the tribal and clan systems then wait for about two generations for native people who are actually capable of running a nation to appear.

    Take a look at US policies in the Philippines prior to WWII for an example of this.

  6. the same as the rest of Africa put up relief stations around the perimeters let the woman and children come to safety and let the men Squabble among them selves

  7. Nothing a good nuke couldn't solve...

    If the children are a concern...send in a large military force...kill anyone holding a weapon...destroy the weapon...go from village to to city...forget the press...forget the UN...

  8. To introduce The Human Right To Peace in all nations including Somalia. The Right to be in The Constituition or the equivalent of each nation. To introduce The Right for all citizens including Somalia to own Earth. The Right to conserve natural resources, the right to protect the environment, the right to an environment free of pollution and war.

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