
What do you think should be done to improve inclusion practices for autistic students in elementary shcools?

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What do you think should be done to improve inclusion practices for autistic students in elementary shcools?




  1. try making them do excirses and things Idk

  2. first of all-empathy education for the peers, parents and staff

    some people are uncomfortable with people who are different and refuse to listen to reason-they will create mass hysteria saying the child did things like touching other people inappropriately-when part of the diagnosis is that he doesn't liek to touch people at all...I know-happened to a child I work with....

  3. Understanding..plain and simple.  Though well meant, I look at some of the answers above and people seem to "feel" for students with autism...almost patronizing... "the poor kids with disabilities."

    Yes, it is true that students with autism require modifications in order to access their education and yes, the educational experience may be quite different from others, BUT many students have things that set them apart--different modifications that need to be made:  glasses, pencil grips, personal organizers, etc.

    UNDERSTANDING and ACCEPTANCE must be present and continue to be developed if we want inclusion to work in our educational system.  All students are unique and need, want, feel, understand different things at different times.  When educators, parents, and friends can come to a point where they just treat students with autism with the same dignity and respect as they treat others, rather than feeling sorry for them, the closer we will be to INCLUDING them in education rather than ALLOWING them to experience learning.

    That being said, an awareness of the learning styles of those with autism is crucial.  Autism encompasses so many individuals on a very large spectrum. Educational practices that help one student with autism thrive, may not even be helpful for another student with autism.  My advice was to be aware of practices that may be helpful for students with autism, but not to define the student by their autism.

  4. I am all for main steaming autistic students in elementary school. As sad as this is to say elementary students can be cruel and they laugh and make fun of children who are different from them. There is a "special" room in my grandson's elementary school. My daughter works with autistic children and my grandson has met many of her clients. He is compassionate toward special needs children. One day in school he held the door for a special needs child. You wouldn't believe how he was made fun of because he spoke to one of those "stupid" kids. Children can be so mean. If you could you teach a class about "compassion" we may stand a chance to make these very special children part of the "regular" school day.

  5. More qualified teachers and music and arts programs!

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