
What do you think should be done to the 3 white teens that fatally beat an illegal?

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Another illegal immigrant has become a victim of racial violence. This is very sad, and it shows what things have become because of the immigration issues lately. What do you think should be done to the teens?

Teens charged in fatal beating of Mexican immigrant

PORT CARBON, Pennsylvania (AP) -- Three white teens were charged Friday in what officials said was an epithet-filled fatal beating of an illegal Mexican immigrant in a small northeast Pennsylvania coal town.

Ramirez, 25, was beaten to death after an argument with a group of youths that police said included high school football players. Authorities could not immediately say whether any of the suspects were members of the team, but they confirmed that all three used ethnic slurs during the fight.




  1. Immigrant or not..*sigh* They should be tried as adults, they commited an adult crime, right?

  2. The same thing that would happen if the victim was a white, American kid.  Justice must be blind.  Everybody in the country is entitled to the same protections under the law.

  3. Lock up ALL murders including that illegal who murdered the S.F. husband and kids and deport ALL illegals.

    This is the 25th time this link has been posted in this section, since an attack on illegal is so rare, the pros are having a field day. Too bad illegals who commit murder happens all too often.

  4. What does them being white have to do with anything, your headline question should have read "What do you think should be done to the 3  teens that fatally beat an illegal?"

    You racist.

  5. i think they should pass a law that whatever you do to kill someone they do it back to you. You beat someone to eath, then you get beaten to death.Simple as that.

  6. what should be done? what should be done in any othr situation, they should be charged with a hate crime and be punished accordingly. From being in teen court, i know that there is a minimum and maximum penalty for a certain crime, so the jury should decide what he gets.

    ADD: I  actually read the article now and i think things are being handled pretty fairly (as far as prosecution), this is really sad though :(

  7. If the illegal alien weren't here in the first place, they would still be alive, Yes?

  8. tried, jailed.... they think they are better that everyone else..... those losers are only limited  living in America and don't have a clue what going on in the

  9. This is what is going to happen all over this country, simply because the government wont quit passing the buck to another back and forth they go in thecongress, the cities are taking the law in their own hands , one says you can stay in my city we will protect you and another says if I see you I'll kill you, the President just sits on his hands and lets everybody figureout what to do for themselves, It should of been dealt with along time ago, but you know what will happen, we willhave a civil war on our hands,   sick, sick, everybody is sick of what is going on.  I hope Obama will do something. if he lives long enough to carry out some of the things he says he will do. I think this country is rready for a black pres. and I'm rooting for him. he cant do worse than Bush.

  10. while it is certanly sad that this person was killed it is equally sad that our boarders are wide open and these men were so frustrated by the lack of action on the part of government that they felt a need to lash out.

  11. They should go to prison for the rest of their lives!

    Just like anyone else who commits such a horrible, disgusting crime.

  12. it sucks that we live in such an ignorant nation, if you are mad about illegals being everywhere dont fight them exploit them.

    But i think they should be tried with murder, as simple as that.

  13. Same thing that happens to illegal Hispanics who commit murder, prison for life without parole.

  14. Nothing, I'm sure those white kids got tired of taking c**p and finally decided to defend themselves.

  15. Yes, they should be punished under the law.

    I agree with what many of you say, but;

    If the illegal had followed the law, they would be alive.

    This should be a example why all people should follow the law.

    Plus if our government would address the issue, things like this may not happen.

    Very sad, but I think many can also get a share of the blame.

    This includes the two running for President.

  16. They should be tried, and sentenced.

    However, cases like this do not elicit sympathy for illegal aliens or those who abet them.

  17. all 3 of them should be given the death penalty

  18. All violent felons need to be punished. Illegals don't belong in the US either. Hard to be a victim if you weren't here in the first place.

  19. They should be charged with murder and hate crimes.

    Just because the victim was here in the country illegally, doesn't mean they had the right to beat him to death. He should have been deported, not murdered.

    The teens should be charged as adults. Old enough to be in high school is old enough to know better.

  20. One we need to stop trying youths as youths - charge the crime not the person.

    two - color doesn't matter they commited a crime I would say the same thing if it was vice versa - murder -   is punishable by death in Texas.

  21. OMG are you kidding was a crime of passion... there was an arguement... that's why they started beating him, its not like the boys were riding around looking for illegal immigrants to beat, that means its not a hate crime.  crimes of passion are not murder, based on the information given, it's definitely not murder.

  22. talk about racially motivated....

    re-read your own question!

  23. Tried as adults and sent to prison. They are old enough to know what they were doing and the consequences of doing it, they are old enough to be held accountable for their actions.

  24. Well, some people here would give them a medal for exterminating a dirty Mexican

    The propaganda against illegals has lead to intense hatred towards illegals, like they were some sort of terrible criminals.

    Not good. Very bad

    This is beginning to resemble the situation in Germany towards the Jews during Adolf

    Regarding your question, this is considered a HATE CRIME and as such must be severely punished

  25. I think this is sad. I just commented on this in another question, and I will say the same. My husband is from Mexico and when I read this I showed it to him. I told him that if anyone should say anything to him like these young adults did to this Mexican man, he needs to get out of there asap. I do not want to lose him to a bunch of racist people, I need him. We have one kid and another on the way, so I was about in tears when I read this. I feel for Ramirez fiance and I don't blame her for wanting to take her child out of this area that is insensitive to people of different ethinicities. My thoughts and prayers are with her.

    edit: someone above said if he was here legally this wouldn't have happened. Thats an odd statement, do you really think that these teens asked him about his status before they started beating him up? I highly doubt it. He could have been legal for all they know. It still makes this a crime.

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