
What do you think should be done with Casey Anthony?

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I just learned of the story not too long ago and was shocked to watch the coverage of her leaving jail. There is no way a mother wouldn't get help immediately if she knew her child was missing. She let a whole month go by? HELLO! Sure seems guilty to me. Do you think she belongs back in jail and interrogated or what now?




  1. Did it ever occur to any of you that the police have it all wrong...Have any of you ever been the parent of a missing child?  Walk a mile in this woman's shoes then maybe you will feel what she does.  There are a lot of wrongfully accused people out there.  Look at Jon Benets family the mother was considered a suspect and was cleared post Morten.  Sad that the system killed her too.  Remember the Elizabeth Smart case the guy who wore the beret?  They arrested him and grilled him so much the poor guy died of an aneurysm in his brain.oops then they arrested the man and his wife for the deed. So the police don't have the answers.  

    And yes I do know how the police treat family members in missing children's cases, first hand...

  2. I have been following the story since the beginning, I think the baby is dead. and her mother casey is a sossiopath, I hope I spelled that right, anyway its someone who has no emotional feelings for the wrong they do, I'm waiting for the DNA to come back from the lab. and than you will see the cops at her house arresting her for murder.

  3. Oh that poor little girl!  But the mother can't belong in jail - she obviously has some mental problem going on, the best place for her is an institution.  I hope they find the kid, what would the mother have done with her?

  4. casey is a hot babe.

  5. People who have children and not take care of them should all be sent to a place not on this earth.  Yes, she will be back in jail it's just a matter of time.  Her mother should go with her so that she can hear her lies all the time.  To make matters worst she stole her grandpa money to party, live on, and buy drugs,   I still believe she had help either her boyfriend, mother, maybe her daddy.   I feel this child is DEAD and it just a matter of time before they find her grave.  And oh boy, Florida has the death sentence.

  6. i think casey anothney is an evil person what she did to an innocent little girl that was very supicious casey anothny should have a max sentence of 125 yrs in prison without parole and pay millions in fines and she should take the seat at a grand jury and confess what she did wrong hope she doesn't get aqquited !

  7. Smarty Pants:

    She knows right from wrong.  I don't care what type of mental disorder she may or MAY NOT have.  I think bringing up a mental disorder is her tool to try to get pity from the public as well as the jury.  In any event, justice should not be dismissed because someone was mentally disturbed.  Caylee has the right to be found and her mother deserves the appropriate punishment for a hefty list of charges.

  8. That stupid, evil woman.  Oh, she took the kid to Z Gonzalez's house, oops that apartment's been empty for 143 DAYS!  Her own mom said her car smelled like something decaying, the cadaver dog got a hit on her trunk...  If the cops had any brains, there is a reason for her being out.  It's to put her under surveillance and wait until she goes back to where ever she most definitely buried that gorgeous little girl.  Nice s-l-u-t pics of her dirty dancing with that other skan-k, by the way.  I hope she gets the death penalty.  

  9. She should be waterboarded until she tells what she knows.  

  10. There is a lot of crazy things going on with this criminal case due to the mother's lack of cooperating with law enforcement and the lawyer is keeping her silent..a missing child is still missing and it seems like all the attention is on the mom..she is not is a sad thing in society when a child is missing and the mother isn't doing her part..

  11. she needs to be THROWN UNDER THE JAIL!!! -NOT LET OUT..

  12. I am as furious with this so-called mother as the rest of you, but in all fairness it is her constitutional right to be released on bail pending trial. I would much rather see her sitting in a 6 X 10 cell, but we can not allow our emotions to impede our constitution.

    I believe whole-heartedly that Casey will be charged with any and all criminal offenses related to an accidental death, disposing of a dead body, neglect, and lying to investigators. The current charges will never make it to trial because of a slim possibility that double jeopardy could be attached under certain circumstances. The authorities will use the time between now and November, or possibly until January, to build a strong case against Casey. Casey will be convicted of serious enough charges to confine her for 5-10 years unless there is some way to prove that she killed her daughter, which is unlikely to prove at this point given what must be nothing more than skeletal remains by now.

  13. I agree. I thought the purpose of letting her out, outside of bail being met, was to help find her child. To me, it's no longer a question of if she's involved, it's a question of how she can manipulate a jury (when it inevitably comes to that) to convince them she's not involved, a la OJ Simpson.  

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