
What do you think should happen to the 3 teens that brutally beat a man to death? (news link)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The man was here illegally, i guess he wouldnt of encountered this if he wasnt here.

  2. I hope they get life in prison or the death penalty. An eye for an eye!

  3. Drop them in the middle of a max security prison and tell them to bend over.  Bubba will handle it.

  4. If he didn't do anything wrong to them first, then they should be judged and punished as adults.

  5. It depends on what the race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and politics of the victim were.

    If the victim were a white most people would demand the teens be given probation.

    If the victim were black most people would demand either life inprisonment or the death penalty.

    If the victim were g*y most people would demand very little prison time.

    If the victim were Asian most people would demand no prison time, probably probation.

    If the victim were homeless most people would demand nothing.

  6. They deserve the death penalty. Probably won't happen though more then likely they are going to get life behind bars. Does it really matter if the person they killed was an illegal immigrant or a resident of the US? Murder is murder.

  7. they should be gently put to sleep, forever...

  8. Those teens should be put away; hopefully get the death penalty. They took a life. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

  9. The average murderer in the US does less than ten years.  Give these kids about 7 and let them get on with their lives.

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