
What do you think society should change to make the world a better place for horses?

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A licence for new horse owners? You know any ideas welcome!!




  1. Cheapen the cost to feed them, cut down on breeding, stop the TB world where they just breed, and race then recycle (or just throw away) if the horse doesn't win millions.

    I think your idea of a license or something would be nice, or at least some way of keeping an eye out for all the abused, neglected horses.

  2. A license to breed:)  I mean there are a lot of wonderful small breeders, but so many that don't even try to do a backgournd check, talk to a vet, make sure the animals will produce a wonderful foal and so many breed way to young, and old..  

    Also better management for the PMU foals and there mothers.

  3. It's not something that can be legislated by a government.  People need to realize that government by, for and of the people was never intended to be able to offer a fix-all for everything.  

    So when I say society needs to fix things, I mean individuals.  Stop breeding so d**n many horses.  Stop doing business with people who do.  Registries, stop hanging breeding eligible papers on everything with the only criteria being of registered parents.

    Regardless of your politics, regardless of your opinion of the government as it is, big business, etc...we all need to remember that we vote every day with our dollars, to entities that pay excruciatingly detailed attention to every "vote" and they respond in kind.

  4. Stop people eating horse meat. This would stop slaughter houses, although then there would be far too many horses in the world, so maybe you have to have a license to breed. The government could give you incentives if you keep horses over the age of 25/30, something like that.

  5. I love your question i agree with every answer so far. I think the world needs to stop building houses and keep all the farm land left for animals. There should be more places that you can go on a relaxing ride out of your arena.

    Also i dont agree with the racing world. I think its cruel. and the show jumping world. there taking the jumps to the extreme and they are dangerous for the horses now. i lo

  6. That's a great question that I've been wondering about myself.

    Ya know, as I go around my local area, I see way too many mares and foals in situations they shouldn't be.  On this forum, I hear way too many people asking questions they shouldnt' be asking if they own a horse.  There's just so many things people should be required to know before purchasing a horse.

    However, I don't know that the answer lies in any kind of licensing or anything that would be controlled by the government.  They're already trying to make us register and micro chip all our livestock, which is stupid and for the wrong reasons.  The cost to institute a governmental type of system would be highly inefficient due to the political c**p that goes on in our govt. - people allowed to be inefficient, etc.; taxation of people who don't own the animals, etc.  I am so tired of paying taxes for things that I never use and never will.  I don't think taxpayers should bear the brunt of carrying any costs whether monetary or in time, to manage the challenges we have - I mean Heck, they require us to license our dogs yet does that end dog abuse or neglect or irresponsible owner ship?  Not really.

    What I think woiud be really neat is the organization of a group of people of some type who's goal is to see to the education of people who wish to own horses so they all get a good basic knowledge of the requirements and expectations for owning as well as basic knowledge about proper interaction with them. By creating such a group, which would likely result in some sort of certified owner of horses, we may be able to institute some type of system, that responsible people buy into to maintain a membership outside of any breed registry.  Breed registries' goals are to maintain reg. and member ships to pay for their services.  I don't see where such a group is, or would want to, establish any kind of measures to insure their members keep safe premises, treat horses well, or even assist in educating them as a mandatory thing - they all offer education if people want it, but they don't require it because that would be counterproductive to their goals of gaining members and registries.

    So maybe some sort of "club" one could be a part of that would designate them as a responsible horse owner - these would likely get the pick of the available horses for sale and might have some impact on the industry in general.

    I think about how nice it would be to be identified via some accreditation as a person who is a known, responsible breeder of horses - let's say such a person is out looking for stallions to breed a mare to.  They might get preferred service from stallion owners with the same accreditation - they might be the ones people come to first to purchase high-quality horses.

    The idea so many are talking about now that ending horse slaughter has caused the downfall of the horse industry, I think is inaccurate.  I think that's the event that precipitated our ability to see the impact of poeple over breeding or breeding lower quality animals.  I work in a tack shop for fun a few times a month and I love it-it's too bad I can't make the same money I make at my career job.  So often I get people asking questions about what tools they need - bits, bridles, saddles, tie downs - you name it - to make their horse mind better or to fix a problem they've caused.  I cringe so bad when a person walks in and says "I need a harsher bit because my horse isn't listening" and then inquire about one with twists, thin mouthpieces or long shanks.  They aren't fixing their problem, they're growing it.  Or the guy who came in asking about how to care for the pony he just bought - he'd bought the pony, tied it with a long chain to a dog tether in his yard and was asking (on a Sunday) where to go find the proper food for it and what it should be fed.  He wanted to start breaking it for his grandkids - they guy was a good 300#+ - when it was suggested he get a trainer or professional help, he didn't have the money for all that, he'd gotten the pony for free and didn't have any money.

    So if we could offer some sort of program, at a low cost to people interested and offer different levels of educations, accreditations or something for people to get involved in, I think that would be nice.

  7. Be careful what you ask for....I prefer to keep the government out of as much as possible, given the track record of bureaucratic s***w-ups.

    Education is the best cure for most situations like this.  Look at the thousands of unwanted cats in every corner of the planet, and the answer to that problem is neutering. I am against removing the categorizing of horses as livestock.  Much of why anyone can afford to keep horses on any land is because as livestock, the land they are kept on is zoned agricultural, or farm, which keeps taxes low.  Start calling horses pets, and say goodbye to most facilities and private horse one will be able to afford the taxes if those properties are re-zoned estate.  I know I'd be forced to sell my land if that happened.

    Keep the government out of it and work to educate anyone breeding horses.

  8. I'm totally against government involvement.  We don't need to start "licensing" horse owners.  Licensing would only further burden the horse owner, put more money into the already overpaid politicians' and elected officials' pockets.  The gov. officials  always, botch things up,  stick there noses where they don't belong, and make self-serving decisions to line their own pockets.  Example:  The EPA has effectively shut down all but 1 dairy farm in our county - used to be 28 of them.  They imposed inane regulations which were impossible for the farmers to implement and remain in business.  (I know this is happening in the UK, too, or was when I was over there 6 years ago).  Just an example of government intervention.  I was warned by the county extension people, who told me about the dairy farms, that now they're "coming after horse farms",  ie they're going to impose impossible and irrational regulations,  and impose per-horse taxes.  It's clear that they'd like to turn our "horse capital of the world" into the "house capital of the world".  Well, for their information, the aquafer is not being contaminated by horse manure in our pastures (which has been around and in more abunadance than now, for hundreds of years)- - this has been proven - -the threat is from the chemicals they are putting on all of the new golfcourses, and the demand on water resources which the 4-houses-per-acre new housing developments create.  They are destroying the rich pasture land we once had, one farm at a time. . . .But, you see, the tax revenue from 50 acres with 200 ugly houses on it is SOOOO much higher than that from a 50 acre farm with 17 horses on it . . . Once again, Kaching-kaching.  I think this has turned into a bit of a rant.  Sorry.  I feel better.  

    Anyway, I think the changes would best be implemented by equine organizations, by horsepeople themselves working to educate and monitor our own.  We know best what is reasonble and what is acceptable in terms of horse care. Also, I think if every horsefarm owner who has the room and could afford to take in an "unwanted" horse, would do so, this would go a long way to improving equine welfare.  And one of the MOST important change needs to be the curtailing of irresponsible backyard  breeding which is contributing to the terrible situation we see now of so many horses going to auction and slaughter in Canada and Mexico.  

  9. Provide community stables in town and allow ( inspected) owners to keep their horses at their house for a limited amount of time. This way people would ride more and drive less.

    This would solve the problems and also have an effect on obesity and pollution levels.

  10. Horse lanes on main roads.

    And horse crossings on main roads.

  11. I wish there was mandatory education for horse owners and potential horse owners.  I know it could and would never happen - EVER - but it would sure be nice.  Ignorance creates a lot of the problems we're seeing now, from overbreeding to neglect.  If people HAD to learn how to properly care for a horse, and how they work, and what they need to stay healthy and happy, then that would solve a lot of issues.

  12. First they have to change horses from the "live stock"  category where they are grouped in with cattle, sheep, pigs and other "meat" animals. To the "companion animal" category where there are dogs and cats.

    There are very very few 30 year old pet beef cows...

    That would then shelter the horse under the laws for companion animals. Slaughter - at least in most countries , would be abolished. There are no dog or cat slaughter houses.

    Breeding would have to be addressed - as it should with dogs and cats - mandatory gelding / neutering of all males - unless you are a licensed breeder.

    Yup - I think you should have to pass exams and be licensed to breed any animal.

    There are too many unwanted horses that need homes.

    THEN - ownership of an animal should involve a license to own - seeing people having to pass tests that prove they have the knowledge to properly care for the animals.

    The SPCA could provide the tests and collect the licensing fees (if you can't afford the test fees then you can't afford the critter)



  13. Promote Natural Horsemanship methods of training, cut down on breeding, stop horse racing, lower food costs, and give the authorities the right to take away horses to a better home for reasons less severe than pure torture (i.e. way too thin, abandonment, sitting in a pasture for years with out being touched, no vet or farrier exams, etc.)

  14. Stallion owners should have to pay yearly fees to own a stallion..

    Breeders should have to pay taxes on weanlings over the amount of 2 per year.  

    I hate getting governments involved but when stupidity overrules rational thinking.. something has to be done.

  15. what is wrong with what they have now??

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