
What do you think that Gordon Brown will tax next?

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Now the country has run out of money, there has to be some way of funding the ever increasing army of council snoopers looking at what we put in our bins and the do-gooders telling us what is best for us. Where will the cash come from?




  1. An eye tax, those with one eye like Gordon will get a 50% reduction, whilst David Blunkett would be exempt.

  2. ARRRRGH! *Runs away screaming* I HATE THAT GUY! He will do anything to steal tax off from us. And most of the tax goes towards him, instead of the benefits we are meant to receive! It was on the news last night. HE IS FRAUD! For your question: The cash comes from us! I totally agree with you. And have been wondering the question since. I perosnally think that the cash comes from funding through the government, the government will pay the council snoopers, which will henceforth increase their creditability and encouragement of continuing with their job. That is why the army of council snoopers is increasing. I hope it stops!

  3. Oxygen, water, religious beliefs, dreams....

  4. He'll tax- coughing, sneezing,  laughing, talking, eating, swearing, going to the loo and extra VAT on waking up in the mornings. !!



    >=) mwah ha ha

  6. More taxes on anything that they can peddle as fuelling global warming, you know the multi-billion pound industry that has been completed out of total myth and who are the main recipients, why the government of course!!! I am confident that they will hike the price of mains water right up along with gas and electricity.

  7. He'll tax people wearing unmatching socks.

    There'll be tolls where you'll have to show what socks you're wearing. And if they don't match, £300 fine for you!

  8. tax on toilet roll..hate taxes..

  9. Every time we exhale, we produce CO2, which is a contributor to Global Warming (now called Climate Change after a couple of cold, wet summers). So, in the same way Mr Brown taxes cars, he will tax us on the amount of CO2 we produce as we breathe.

  10. the air we breath!!!

  11. Breathing! every breath we take he wil charge us for!

  12. whos gordon brown?

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