
What do you think that I should do..I have a financial dilema?!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I am behind on some of my credit cards because my house payment went up a couple hundred dollars. Anyway, my husband is getting deployed in September. He will be gone for 4 months, and during that time we will have enough money to pay all of the credit cards in full. The problem is...I cant afford to pay much until around the middle of September. We have to pay for my trip back to my parents house, and we have to have enough money for him to be able to get a new uniform. I dont really know what to do because they want me to pay 100.00 dollars twich a month to get caught up...starting this week, and I cant afford it. I can afford to make some small payment, but not much. What should I do..I dont want them garnishing our wages or something.




  1. Number ONE they cant not garnish your wages, number 2 september isnt too far, I would just mail them small payments until sept, and than send them the larger amount, they cant garnish your money and I would just keep moving forward

  2. hello - first of all, thank you to your husband for his service.  call the card companies, mention the deployment, explain why you will be able to pay them in sept, send small payments this month and next and get caught up in sept.  and i suggest not suing credit again.  cash is harder to spend, and once you spend it you cant spend it again, so you wont find yourself in this bind ever again.

    good luck and be safe.

  3. I would simply contact the card companies and explain why and how you will be paying them in September. The amounts you owe do not give them much incentive to do anything else but wait. You will have all sorts of late fees and interest to pay in September, and you may get some annoying phone calls, but it doesn't sound like you have much choice. Neither do they, really. You'll find that after you have paid off/down the balances in September that they will be very nice to you again.

    [I'd make a big deal about your husband's military deployment. If nothing else, they'll be more sympathetic on the phone]

  4. Well...the way I see it is you've got three choices.

    1.  Make the payments they require & not have the money you need right now.

    2. Find a way to make extra money to make these payments.

    3.  Talk to them and tell them your situation and hope they will understand.

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