
What do you think that Jess/Tess is up to?

by Guest32110  |  earlier

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I mean I know that she wants to get rid of Jared & Natalie, but now I'm kinda thinkin' that she is gonna want to try to get rid of Tina as well. I just wonder how her plan is going to go down & what she has planned up her sleeve and even if she will get away with it....I also read somewhere that Tood knows that its not Jessica, but Tess but won't tell anyone cuz Tess will know about that woman that Todd has hiding in his apt., but John is getting so close to discover Marty. I can't wait! Oh & on a side note, I am so sick of Marcie whining about her baby problems too. I think that the writers need to come up with a way that Marcie gets her miracle child by her & Michael making love and poof she ends up prego out of the blue that would be a good surprise or the both of them to keep their marriage together & for Starr & Cole to keep their baby. Those are my thoughts what are yours? (Sorry for the long details)




  1. MEG above is right.  And Tess's plot will blow up in her face.  I can't wait.  She's a mean, evil person and should be locked up. I can't wait too for John to find Marty.  

  2. Oh yes, she wants anyone who is in her way to be gone, She is building that little basement room to stash them in !

  3. well i know she is setting up the infamous basement where she is going to lock them up. it's sound proof any more than that am not sure as for tina well i think tina might start knowing whats up she only been threw it with her sister,  and yes todd finds out tomorrow what tess is up too but i think that tess is going to find out about marty so there will be some blackmail going on.   and i am counting down the days for john to discover marty whoo hoo i can't wait i love blair but john isn't yours ha ha  and yes marcie come on now get over it and move on  well if you can remember  when al soul was going into michael and all that and she had to fall in love with him by vale time's day well they been threw to much to end there marriage now right.  and i kind of feel bad for todd we all thought he was going to kill cole and snap on star but i think it's sweet that he wants this baby you know  but i hope she does keep it.

  4. U can obviously tell Tess is still sad and angry with jared 4 killing nash. I think he shoud've gone 2 jail 4 doing that.But natalie waz like it waz an accident. That waz not an accident!It amkes me mad that jared has not gone 2 jail or anything 4 murdering nash.And plus Tess/Jess waz pregnant!

  5. She's planning to torture Natalie by keeping her locked up.  I hate Tess. It'd be great if Marcie and Mike have their own baby, but I think she'll get Starrs.  Starr said she didn't want to be a mother!  Then she shouldn't keep her kid because the kid would only know the nannies and maids.  It would be better off having Marcie to love it.

  6. yes it's to hold both natalie and jared hostage as her mom's alter did to dorian years ago,but i think since tina is annoying her at the moment(tina has that affect on people) that she may find herself an unwilling captive as well or who knows she may be the only one if she keeps snooping, and tess would have to come up w/ something different for her twin and jared. don't you think it would've been smarter for her to build the room in the ruins of eterna instead of in the house.

    also yes i so hope marcie has a miracle pg. it wouldn't be the first on a soap or in real life. i too want cole and starr to keep their child especially since i think marcie has lost her mind AGAIN!  she's too obsessed w/ starr's baby.

  7. I think Tess just doesn't want Tina to figure things out.

  8. She is planning on building a secret room in the mansion and then she is going to kidnap Natalie and keep her in there, and let everyone else think Nat is dead. She feels this will be an even punishment for Jared so that he will also know what its like to lose the love of his life.

    Todd realizes that Jessica is actually Tess and Tess realizes what Todd is up to with Marty.

    Since they are both hiding something they agree not to tell on the other.

    So Tess keeps Todds secret and Todd keeps Tess's secret

  9. I can't wait till somebody figures out that Jess is Tess. And I want John to figure out about Marty. The writers drag this stuff and it's honestly getting tiring. Also, how come nobody has seen Tina, I mean doesn't she ever leave the house? I agree with you about the Marcie thing something has to happen where Michael will stay with her. I am getting sick of the whole 1968 thing as well. That is not possible, if somebody where to get struck by lightning either they live or die they don't end up in the past. These soaps are getting dumb.

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