
What do you think that YOU can do to prevent and bring road rage to the light?

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I need an idea as to how to solve the road rage problem Something that is original and has not been done. And I need an idea as to how to get people to be involved in it.




  1. George F has the best idea! Those are funny!

  2. This is an impossible situation...As long as there are people in control of vehicles, there will be road rage...Even I, with many years and many miles behind me, have had to fight for self control after someone did something to really upset me...Sometimes the person that upset me was - me...I try to remind myself every time I get behind the wheel of what I am about to do, what I should do if certain things happen and essentially just relax...I can't cover every situation, so I concentrate on being in control of me...If I am not in control of me (emotionally, mentally, focused), there is no way I can control my vehicle...When someone does something stupid, I just try to let it go and stay tuned to driving my vehicle.

    Driving is a challenge every time we get on the road, no matter how far we are going...And if we think that we can control every situation we come across, the chances of being involved in a collision or an altercation of some sort becomes almost a certainty...There are only two things each driver has absolute control over - one is the our vehicle and the other is our self...If each driver is aware of and concentrating on all the details of driving, then there might be a reduction of road rage.

    All the best.

  3. If you find yourself in a situation where another motorist is clearly angry with you - rightly or not - and seems intent on following you, or acting aggressively, don’t allow yourself to be caught up in the game.

    If a guy rolls down his window and starts cursing at you, do not respond.

    Keep your window rolled up - and avoid eye contact.

    Get moving - and get away - as soon as you can.

    Never, ever get out of your car to “discuss” things with another motorist. We live in a crazy age, and you could find yourself looking down the barrel of a gun. Or facing some loon with a baseball bat.

    Just drive on. In the event you get followed, don’t drive home - or stop your car.

    Find a cop and get his attention - or use your cell phone to dial 911.

    If possible, let your harasser see you talking on the phone; that’s often enough to make him break off.

    If no cop is around and you are frightened by someone attempting to follow you, stay on well-traveled roads. Avoid pulling off onto a side street.

    If you can find a busy shopping center parking lot or similar public place where people are milling about - go there and see if the person follows you. If he does, honk your horn repeatedly to attract the attention of passers-by and - hopefully - security patrols. It’s not likely you pursuer will stick with you.

    If you can, jot down the plate number of the car, as well as the make, model and color.

    File a police report - if the encounter seemed serious enough to warrant that.

  4. Make a bumper sticker...maybe says "begginer driver please don't yell at me"...or  something funny like " just say NO to road rage"...or maybe ..." Smoke some weed and get off my As*s" ...go with the sticker idea and have fun..."If you can read this you'll get road rage" ...."I can't drive so go around" good luck!

    sell them and get rich!...hahaha

  5. A harder driving test would help greatly. The roads are full of people that don't know what they are doing. Letting people take a test over and over until they pass is just like having no test at all.

    I know people like to act like the person that is mad is the problem but we all know people get mad for a reason. As long as you choose to act like road rage is caused by the mad person instead of looking at the whole picture there will be no cure. You are looking for something original when originality isn't what is needed, a realistic approach to the actual cause of the problem is what is needed.

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