
What do you think the Clinton campaign's strategy will be tonite?

by Guest57993  |  earlier

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What do you think the Clinton campaign's strategy will be tonite?




  1. In the AP interview, Clinton vowed to take the high road and warned that voters in the mega-primaries next week expect that.

    "I'm going to continue to talk to people about what we need to do in our country to try to lift people up, to keep focused on the future to be very specific about what I want to do as president because I want to be held accountable," she said.

  2. She will display a fake diary showing pictures of all the dreams she wanted for America

  3. The same as it has always been. Give plenty of ideas but no details on how to pay for them. And if someone asks a specific yes or no question, dodge it. If they ask about an opponent, slash and burn is her tactic. If asked about raising taxes, only on the rich.

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