
What do you think the Giants chances are this year?

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Now every one knows the Superbowl was the biggest fluke ever.

But after beating the Pats do you think they are an elite team that people should be watching out for.

I mean i don't think they will do so well. They wont be able to beat the Cowboys and if Mcnabb stays healthy the whole season I think the Eagles will have a better chance to make it to the playoffs then the Giants.

What do you guys think?





  1. im with you but i think they giants will be 9-7 or 10-6 and might just squeeze in

  2. very slim they just got lucky last year..

  3. I think the Giants will have a small chance.  I was just happy they beat the Pats in the SB.

  4. They'll probably be over 500.

  5. Not good...

    They're in a VERY tough division... That won't help things... Plus, everyone will take them much more seriously...

  6. That was no fluke.............they put up an unbelievably good fight for the pats first time. Then they beat three teams that were favored over them, it was highly unlikely to be luck.

    If the Giants can maintain their superb defense and improve their offense they have a good shot at another superbowl.  

  7. they hav a good team,but they wouldnt do as good as last season cause michael strahan retired.but they hav a pretty good chance to make the playoffs,but  i think they will hav wild card.         hope i helped =D

  8. every team in that division has a shot at the playoffs but how many teams will make it. giants lost a key players on d. michael strahan and gibril wilson they might just miss bcuz they lost key guys. shockey, strahan, wilson

  9. Fluke?  They were underdogs thoughout the playoffs!  

    They were one of 3 teams that came the closest to beating the Patriots in the regular season (No Dallas and GB were not one of them)

    TB:  Shut Rhonde Barber up along with a #3 ranked defense in the NFL

    Dallas:  Made TO cry and exposed the cowboys for who they really were...a joke and too many egos.

    GB: Product of a lousy division and 'home field' couldnt even help them. Probably the MOST overrated team in the NFC if not the NFL.

    Superbowl: 18* and 1 long plane ride back to boston for the cheatriots and their classless coach.

    You must be one of the 'sour three' mentioned above that got STOMPED out.  

    Giants lost quite a bit on defense, but the TEAM has come together.  They will have a superbowl hangover, but know that this team knows what to do come crunch time.  Keep doubting and Yes they will make the playoffs and possibly win the division.  

    Superbowl XLII Champions!  

  10. I certainly would have to tend to agree with you. Not sure if I would call the Superbowl a fluke (after all, they were playing the best football out of anyone towards the end of the season - and really stepped it up in the playoffs) but after losing both Shockey and Strahan - there is no way they are going back to the big game.  I doubt they will even make playoffs. Eli is good - but he is no Peyton!

  11. Two things,

    Number One: Last year was not a fluke... I hate the giants as much as the next cowboy fan but you don't pull four upsets and become the hottest second half team in the league by chance, they tore it up and thats all there is to it.

    Number two: The Giants can lose all four games to the Cowboys and Eagles and still easily make the playoffs with a 12-4 record. In the last five years two or more NFC East Teams have made the playoffs, and last year Three did so anything is possible but I highly doubt Eli will be adding another ring to his collection any time soon  

  12. 50 50 chance

  13. Preston, you are one of the few people who figured it out. The Giants were good; but they were not the best team in the league last year. They peaked at the right time; got hot, and rode it to the title.

    Giants fans, yes, the Giants deserved it. They won when it counted. But please, don't tell me the Giants'  0-4 regular season record against the Cowboys, Packers, and Patriots doesn't prove that those three teams aren't better than the Giants.

    I hate to say the Giants were lucky, but they basically were. They beat those three teams in the playoffs by 11 points-COMBINED. Change a play or two in each one; and another team wins the title. It;s not like they crushed everybody 31-10.

    As for 2008, the Giants are a playoff team, but they lose in the first or second round.

  14. they'll be a playoff team im pretty sure but not as good with Strahan gone maybe a 9-7 team

    but u said if Mcnabb stays healthy?? ever since the Madden cover, he's never been healthy through out a whole season

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