
What do you think the October surprise is?

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Last night Hannity talked a lot about Obama's ties to the admitted terrorist Ayers, do you think that is his October surprise, or something else, or do you think he'll just fizzle out and forget it?

Not looking for political rants, just curious what people think the surprise will be!




  1. For Obama: ties to Tony Rezko, earmarks for Biden's son, or his terrorist buddy Ayers

    For McCain:  Probably more accusations that Palin was pregnant with an alien baby or some similar B.S.

  2. Obama has a love child with a g*y man's ex wife.

  3. the only thing Rs and Ds are good at is creating divisive anomosities . im voting Nader .

  4. obamas numbers will be 15% higher then McCain's

  5. Sean Hannity will publicly admit that he has man love crush on Obama.  

  6. I think it started back in July - with the scare about Iran - and their nuclear power station.

    Since all the fuss - many journalists have been out there and witnessed it. The UN have got nuclear experts checking the construction of the plant, they're crawling all over the place. UN have also installed permanent CCTV cameras all around and inside the plant. There's no way it was ever a nuclear weapons plant.

    August - I think the Georgia assault on South Ossetia was done with Bush approval. Stir up a confrontation with the Russians . Talk about new Cold Wars. It got a lot of people on here talikng about nuclear war.

    September.....there'll be another scare story.

    October  -  we'll probaly get 2 or 3 in October

  7. That Halloween falls on a Friday this year.

  8. Palin stepping down.


    This one is legit and isn't going away, he will be forced to deal with it or bow out.

  10. Sarah announcing her new baby with John

  11. i don't doubt that all of his ties will be put together as a noose for mr. have ayers,rezko,rashid khalidi"hamas supporter" life long friend.his ties to british investors that support hamas.then you have the famous odinga.the worst of all of them.he was known for the christian barbecue of 40 people.

  12. Ayers is a serious issue that is ignored by Obamites and his friends in the media.  I don't think anyone is planning on an october surprise but I noticed that moving "American Carol" starts in October...that works.

  13. There is suppose to be a video tape of Barack's wife trashing whites.  Although it's just a rumor.  The November surprise is McCain loses the election, the Israeli and U.S. forces are going to attack Iran.  With 2 1/2 months to go after that, it won't be Bush's problem with the reaction. It'll be Obama's problem. There is already legit news stories that Israeli fighters are in U.S. airbases in Iraq, five minutes from the target.

  14. Michelle Obama is really Ru Paul.

  15. ssssh don't bring up Ayers the Obama supporters get upset. There is more info that's been leaking out lately about their friendship.

    I think we might get the Michelle Obama "whitey" video.

  16. McCain has a heart attack during the debates and Obama saves his life

  17. Palin, it came out early.

  18. That Obama is really John Kerry in disguise.

  19. October Surprise = Something about Bin Laden.

    That's all the repubs have!

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