
What do you think the USA will be like in 50 years,100 years,200 years from now?

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What do you think the USA will be like in 50 years,100 years,200 years from now?




  1. In 50, 100, or 200 years from now I was expecting more of a technological era. You know all those things you see in movies, like Click for example with the universal remote and how he fast-fowards through life and gets to that one point where the whole universe is futureistic. I know it sounds a little bit weird, but i really thought we could get there.(and still think we can) The economy these days just seems to be getting worse. The politicians seem to just care about war, which ,don't get me wrong, is very important... They should be more focused on how to change gas prices. So hopefully in 50, 100, or 200 years the politians will be better and more focused on recreating the downfall of this economy.

  2. I don't care ... I have no intention of living that long.

  3. IF, we can get the energy crisis under control: in 50 years we will be in the middle of alternative energy maturity, in 100 yrs technology will have totally changed the way we currently percieve travel and recreation, 200 years alien contact will be common knowledge.

    IF we don't change our way of thinking we won't make it 50 years w/o taking large sociological steps backward.

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