
What do you think the actual forbidden fruit was?

by Guest57499  |  earlier

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A lime perhaps?




  1. M&Ms

  2. I could tell you, but then the chickens would have to kill us both.

  3. A homosexual they kind of skirted the issue .

  4. It wasn't an apple I know that.

    It was probably something we have never seen before.

  5. there was a fruit but that wasn't why god wanted adam and eve away from the tree. if you've seen that one episode of family where he hides pornos behind the tree it's just too funny to miss.

  6. They've forbade the Durian on public transport... that must count for something.

  7. a pomegranate

  8. What else ? Forbidden fruit is code speak for a woman's genitalia. The biblical forbidden fruit was Eve's v****a.

  9. Ooooo!!!  I love Lime Kitties!  Can I tempt any of you with my fruit?

    Yes, I admit it!  It was me and my grapefruit!

  10. no one knows

  11. No that would be a fig. Through out the bible they talked about the fig tree so much. It was not an apple that was for sure,

  12. Orange?

  13. a sweet juicy mango i could totally understand if eve ate a mango i would have done the same thing and im pretty sure all of you would too.

  14. Truth and knowledge.  

  15. Ever looked, really looked, at a banana?

  16. Dingleberries.

  17. Atheism?

  18. an apple

  19. a metaphor for g*y!

  20. I was thinking more of a limon.

  21. Do not know!!  But the issue is disobedience !

  22. Indeed

  23. Not lime; it makes the face do weird things.  It has to be something that looks luscious, taste sweet, and very juicy.  Ahhhhh, I want some of that fruit!

  24. Pride.  Eve thought she should be able to choose what was good, lovely and right.  Adam thought he should be able to choose his wife over God's standards.  Both thought they knew better than the God who created everything.  Strange how nothing has changed in the human race.    

  25. It was a grapefruit....that grapefruit kitty is hot.  I'd make it a point to try her fruit.

  26. his name was BRUCEEE

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